13 min

Etymologizing random words of the day | Salubrious to Petrichor Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution

    • Language Learning

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Salubrious (adj.)

Etymology: From Latin salubris, meaning "healthful, wholesome"
Origin: The Latin word comes from salus, meaning "health, safety".
Definition: Beneficial to health; promoting good health.

Serendipity (n.)

Etymology: Coined by Horace Walpole in 1754, combining the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip" (present-day Sri Lanka) with the word "discovery".
Origin: An invented word based on a story about fortunate discoveries by chance.
Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Lachrymose (adj.)

Etymology: From Latin lacrima, meaning "tear" + -osus, meaning "full of".
Origin: Derived from the word for tears, highlighting the connection to sadness or crying.
Definition: Inclined to weep or be tearful; sad.

Penumbra (n.)

Etymology: From Latin paene, meaning "almost" + umbra, meaning "shadow".
Origin: Literally translates to "almost shadow", referring to the partially shaded region around a complete shadow.
Definition: The partially shaded outer region of a shadow, where the light source is only partly obscured.

Petrichor (n.)

Etymology: Modern scientific term coined in 1964 from Greek petra meaning "stone" + ichor, the fluid that flowed in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology.
Origin: A newly created word to describe a pleasant smell associated with rain on dry ground.
Definition: The pleasant smell that sometimes accompanies rain, especially the first rain after a long period of dryness.

My links:

My patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103280827

My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/rhetoricrevolution

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Email: ⁠rhetoricrevolution@gmail.com⁠

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connerlyliam/

Podcast | Latin in Layman’s - A Rhetoric Revolution https://open.spotify.com/show/0EjiYFx1K4lwfykjf5jApM?si=b871da6367d74d92

Gut Guardian Discount Code: https://www.feelgoods.co/discount/LIAM64728

Salubrious (adj.)

Etymology: From Latin salubris, meaning "healthful, wholesome"
Origin: The Latin word comes from salus, meaning "health, safety".
Definition: Beneficial to health; promoting good health.

Serendipity (n.)

Etymology: Coined by Horace Walpole in 1754, combining the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip" (present-day Sri Lanka) with the word "discovery".
Origin: An invented word based on a story about fortunate discoveries by chance.
Definition: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Lachrymose (adj.)

Etymology: From Latin lacrima, meaning "tear" + -osus, meaning "full of".
Origin: Derived from the word for tears, highlighting the connection to sadness or crying.
Definition: Inclined to weep or be tearful; sad.

Penumbra (n.)

Etymology: From Latin paene, meaning "almost" + umbra, meaning "shadow".
Origin: Literally translates to "almost shadow", referring to the partially shaded region around a complete shadow.
Definition: The partially shaded outer region of a shadow, where the light source is only partly obscured.

Petrichor (n.)

Etymology: Modern scientific term coined in 1964 from Greek petra meaning "stone" + ichor, the fluid that flowed in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology.
Origin: A newly created word to describe a pleasant smell associated with rain on dry ground.
Definition: The pleasant smell that sometimes accompanies rain, especially the first rain after a long period of dryness.

13 min