35 min

Exit the Expert, Enter the Empath with Michael Henderson The Talent Time Machine: Take the trip to work 2050. Powered by Cielo Talent.

    • Careers

We live in an increasingly subjective reality, with values at the heart of all we do in the workplace. Understanding that will be essential to shaping corporate culture in 2050. 
The art of corporate anthropology is one with which Michael Henderson is intimately familiar, creating more human-centered workplaces in a world dependent on technology and AI.
Michael joins us in The Talent Time Machine this week as we uncover the principles which will prepare businesses for a more empathetic world, and how the human race could be afforded an unprecedented chance to ponder the nature of life itself…
In this episode:

What corporate anthropology covers and how it impacts the social dynamics of business culture

A growing need to understand your workforce’s personal values and core principles

The ‘wild west’ development of AI, with ranging, unforeseen outcomes

Shifting attitudes from objective to subjective reality

What young people should learn in order to prepare for the workplace of 2050

We live in an increasingly subjective reality, with values at the heart of all we do in the workplace. Understanding that will be essential to shaping corporate culture in 2050. 
The art of corporate anthropology is one with which Michael Henderson is intimately familiar, creating more human-centered workplaces in a world dependent on technology and AI.
Michael joins us in The Talent Time Machine this week as we uncover the principles which will prepare businesses for a more empathetic world, and how the human race could be afforded an unprecedented chance to ponder the nature of life itself…
In this episode:

What corporate anthropology covers and how it impacts the social dynamics of business culture

A growing need to understand your workforce’s personal values and core principles

The ‘wild west’ development of AI, with ranging, unforeseen outcomes

Shifting attitudes from objective to subjective reality

What young people should learn in order to prepare for the workplace of 2050

35 min