6 min

EXPAND Your Reach Life Defense

    • Self-Improvement

Some self-defense scenarios require more than ourselves to actually complete. To be effective in a situation where someone has gotten out of control, you both have fallen onto the ground, and you're holding them down to keep them from hurting you themselves, or other people, mount posting is a solution.

One of the common things that happen at social events, especially when alcohol is involved, is protecting a person from breaking things, hurting themselves, or hurting other people. Although they may not be a lethal threat, keeping your uncle Fred from smashing wedding cakes, ripping bridal gowns, or pushing someone's face into the punch ball is a real possibility.

From this mount position, you will look like the aggressor, and he will inevitably be struggling with all his alcohol induced might to turn you over get on top, perhaps  to show you who’s boss, or at least continue his aberrant behavior.

Atop the fallen aggressor you EXPAND, or reach out with arms and legs leveraging the ground to keep them from getting up. As they turn one way, you focus your posted arm and leg out to the opposite side to keep them from turning you over, getting up, and wreaking more havoc.

It always appears to the common onlooker that you are the aggressor. After all, aunt Susan turned around and saw uncle Fred on the bottom, struggling to get up, being controlled by you, with you on top of him, and the her first inclination might be to grab a folding chair and smash you over the back of the head, to save uncle Fred.

...EXPANDING by reaching out to leverage the ground with your arms and legs back-and-forth each time the actual aggressor attempts to turn you over and get up, that you speak to them, “Hey uncle Fred calm down. I gotcha, no problem I'll let you up in a minute. Just calm down, shhh it’s okay big fella.”

It  is also advisable to simultaneously address gathering crowd, “Somebody get some help. Somebody help me. I just wanna make sure he doesn't hurt himself. Can somebody please help me?”

EXPANDING out with more than your hands, and using your voice, then becomes paramount. EXPANDING out to communicate what is actually going on, the struggle that is actually happening, and what you'd like to do to resolve it, is powerful communication.

In life, and Life Defense, the act of EXPANDING beyond your own reach, and beyond what actually you can control, or do requires others to assist, and be part of the solution. In saving life, EXPANSION gives you ultimately all the power and abilities you need to do anything. Without EXPANDING, however, there is a good chance aunt Susan will take a folding chair to the back of your head.

We all from time to time fail to communicate in life what is actually going on with us, the struggles we are having, and ask for the assistance required to resolve issues in our life, and our jobs, in the projects that we have at hand, including but not limited to our children. How many times have we wished for more assistance when it comes to our children thinking perhaps we are the only ones doing this, no one understands, and no one is coming to help. When in fact, many people are standing around, confused, and bewildered about how, who, or when to help. 

In my life I’m as much at fault as anyone. Being a man, I have trouble asking directions when my GPS goes bonkers, let alone asking for help in a personal situation, getting assistance in a conflict, or asking for understanding when dealing with a wayward child.  Writing and producing this podcast is always a humbling experience for me as I am the one that gets the most from each episode. 

It is therefore my resolution to EXPAND my reach, not just before being taken out by a folding chair welded by aunt Susan. Rather long before, when the struggle is just starting, that I might be understood, assisted, and survive….

#allenhughes #expand #lifedefense

Photo by Julia Larson : https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-coac

Some self-defense scenarios require more than ourselves to actually complete. To be effective in a situation where someone has gotten out of control, you both have fallen onto the ground, and you're holding them down to keep them from hurting you themselves, or other people, mount posting is a solution.

One of the common things that happen at social events, especially when alcohol is involved, is protecting a person from breaking things, hurting themselves, or hurting other people. Although they may not be a lethal threat, keeping your uncle Fred from smashing wedding cakes, ripping bridal gowns, or pushing someone's face into the punch ball is a real possibility.

From this mount position, you will look like the aggressor, and he will inevitably be struggling with all his alcohol induced might to turn you over get on top, perhaps  to show you who’s boss, or at least continue his aberrant behavior.

Atop the fallen aggressor you EXPAND, or reach out with arms and legs leveraging the ground to keep them from getting up. As they turn one way, you focus your posted arm and leg out to the opposite side to keep them from turning you over, getting up, and wreaking more havoc.

It always appears to the common onlooker that you are the aggressor. After all, aunt Susan turned around and saw uncle Fred on the bottom, struggling to get up, being controlled by you, with you on top of him, and the her first inclination might be to grab a folding chair and smash you over the back of the head, to save uncle Fred.

...EXPANDING by reaching out to leverage the ground with your arms and legs back-and-forth each time the actual aggressor attempts to turn you over and get up, that you speak to them, “Hey uncle Fred calm down. I gotcha, no problem I'll let you up in a minute. Just calm down, shhh it’s okay big fella.”

It  is also advisable to simultaneously address gathering crowd, “Somebody get some help. Somebody help me. I just wanna make sure he doesn't hurt himself. Can somebody please help me?”

EXPANDING out with more than your hands, and using your voice, then becomes paramount. EXPANDING out to communicate what is actually going on, the struggle that is actually happening, and what you'd like to do to resolve it, is powerful communication.

In life, and Life Defense, the act of EXPANDING beyond your own reach, and beyond what actually you can control, or do requires others to assist, and be part of the solution. In saving life, EXPANSION gives you ultimately all the power and abilities you need to do anything. Without EXPANDING, however, there is a good chance aunt Susan will take a folding chair to the back of your head.

We all from time to time fail to communicate in life what is actually going on with us, the struggles we are having, and ask for the assistance required to resolve issues in our life, and our jobs, in the projects that we have at hand, including but not limited to our children. How many times have we wished for more assistance when it comes to our children thinking perhaps we are the only ones doing this, no one understands, and no one is coming to help. When in fact, many people are standing around, confused, and bewildered about how, who, or when to help. 

In my life I’m as much at fault as anyone. Being a man, I have trouble asking directions when my GPS goes bonkers, let alone asking for help in a personal situation, getting assistance in a conflict, or asking for understanding when dealing with a wayward child.  Writing and producing this podcast is always a humbling experience for me as I am the one that gets the most from each episode. 

It is therefore my resolution to EXPAND my reach, not just before being taken out by a folding chair welded by aunt Susan. Rather long before, when the struggle is just starting, that I might be understood, assisted, and survive….

#allenhughes #expand #lifedefense

Photo by Julia Larson : https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-coac

6 min