29 min

Explainer: What Is The RNC? (Saul Anuzis‪)‬ The Business of Politics Show

    • Politics

This episode is all about the Republican National Committee - the RNC - what it is, who’s on the committee, and the organizations role within the broader Republican party.To help us understand, we’re joined by Saul Anuzis, managing partner of Coast to Coast Strategies and president of the 60 Plus Association, the conservative alternative to AARP. He was chairman of the Michigan Republican Party from 2005-2009. He ran for chairman of the RNC in 2009 and 2011. He also served as Michigan’s Natio...

This episode is all about the Republican National Committee - the RNC - what it is, who’s on the committee, and the organizations role within the broader Republican party.To help us understand, we’re joined by Saul Anuzis, managing partner of Coast to Coast Strategies and president of the 60 Plus Association, the conservative alternative to AARP. He was chairman of the Michigan Republican Party from 2005-2009. He ran for chairman of the RNC in 2009 and 2011. He also served as Michigan’s Natio...

29 min