34 min

Episode 121 - Mold & Medical Kidnapping Exposing Mold

    • Medicine

Medical kidnapping occurs when a medical professional believes you have caused harm to your child and as a result, calls CPS to remove the child from your custody. This is often the result of a medical professional thinking you have abused or neglected your child. Many parents are experiencing the travesties medical professionals have committed against them when they mentioned mold as a probable cause of their child's illness. Join the Exposing Mold team to hear about the tragic stories of pa...

Medical kidnapping occurs when a medical professional believes you have caused harm to your child and as a result, calls CPS to remove the child from your custody. This is often the result of a medical professional thinking you have abused or neglected your child. Many parents are experiencing the travesties medical professionals have committed against them when they mentioned mold as a probable cause of their child's illness. Join the Exposing Mold team to hear about the tragic stories of pa...

34 min