1 hr

Eye Health w/ Dr Sam Berne Children's Health Podcast

    • Nutrition

Children's health consulting: https://christianyordanov.com/childrens-health-consulting/

I am cross-posting this episode from my other podcast, as it has great information on eye development in children. Hope you find it useful.

Dr. Sam Berne has been a thought leader in the field of Behavioral/Holistic Optometry and Vision Therapy for over thirty years. He is an internationally-known author, researcher, facilitator, and teacher who uses a multidisciplinary approach applying a diverse variety of disciplines some of which include vision therapy, child development, nutrition, traumatic-brain-injury, Continuum Movement, medicinal essential oils, craniosacral therapy, dolphin-assisted therapy, and color therapy biofield analysis, with respect to expanding human potential. Via his successful private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he developed innovative methods for healing the mind-body-spirit through eye therapy.  Dr. Berne has promoted his unconventional philosophy of "throwing out labels, letting go of cookbook solutions and treating patients from the present forward." Opposed to measuring a patient's problems based on only mainstream ideas, Dr. Berne has historically treated patients on a case-by-case basis. Visit him at: www.DrSamBerne.com

Links to my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:

US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy/dp/1916393004

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy-ebook/dp/B084GBBDL9

Get 3 FREE video courses instantly when you sign up to my members' community here: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The courses are:

* The Healthy Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet for Autism. ADHD, and Gut Dysfunction
* Nutrient Supplements for Autism, ADHD, and Children's Health
* Health Challenges Autistic Children Experience

You will learn a ton and there will be more educational content for parents on the free member plan. Members can also suggest topics for me to research and publish in the community platform. Join us today: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The above 3 courses cover topics such as gut dysfunction and infections, clostridia bacteria, Candida, oxalates, methylation, excitotoxicity, zinc / copper imbalance, going gluten-free and how to do it well, heavy metals and chemical toxicity, probiotic supplementation, mitochondrial dysfunction, immune system dysregulation, neuroinflammation, and much much more. I even show you how to select high-quality supplements and avoid the junk and hype - with real examples and analysis of ingredients on screen...

Every parent of an autistic child must know this information that is why I want to share it with you for free. And parents with kids that have an any health complaint will also learn a ton. In fact, every parent will learn a lot of value information from each of these courses - so please help me share this information with more parents! Thank you so much.

Children's health consulting: https://christianyordanov.com/childrens-health-consulting/

I am cross-posting this episode from my other podcast, as it has great information on eye development in children. Hope you find it useful.

Dr. Sam Berne has been a thought leader in the field of Behavioral/Holistic Optometry and Vision Therapy for over thirty years. He is an internationally-known author, researcher, facilitator, and teacher who uses a multidisciplinary approach applying a diverse variety of disciplines some of which include vision therapy, child development, nutrition, traumatic-brain-injury, Continuum Movement, medicinal essential oils, craniosacral therapy, dolphin-assisted therapy, and color therapy biofield analysis, with respect to expanding human potential. Via his successful private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he developed innovative methods for healing the mind-body-spirit through eye therapy.  Dr. Berne has promoted his unconventional philosophy of "throwing out labels, letting go of cookbook solutions and treating patients from the present forward." Opposed to measuring a patient's problems based on only mainstream ideas, Dr. Berne has historically treated patients on a case-by-case basis. Visit him at: www.DrSamBerne.com

Links to my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:

US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy/dp/1916393004

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy-ebook/dp/B084GBBDL9

Get 3 FREE video courses instantly when you sign up to my members' community here: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The courses are:

* The Healthy Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet for Autism. ADHD, and Gut Dysfunction
* Nutrient Supplements for Autism, ADHD, and Children's Health
* Health Challenges Autistic Children Experience

You will learn a ton and there will be more educational content for parents on the free member plan. Members can also suggest topics for me to research and publish in the community platform. Join us today: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The above 3 courses cover topics such as gut dysfunction and infections, clostridia bacteria, Candida, oxalates, methylation, excitotoxicity, zinc / copper imbalance, going gluten-free and how to do it well, heavy metals and chemical toxicity, probiotic supplementation, mitochondrial dysfunction, immune system dysregulation, neuroinflammation, and much much more. I even show you how to select high-quality supplements and avoid the junk and hype - with real examples and analysis of ingredients on screen...

Every parent of an autistic child must know this information that is why I want to share it with you for free. And parents with kids that have an any health complaint will also learn a ton. In fact, every parent will learn a lot of value information from each of these courses - so please help me share this information with more parents! Thank you so much.

1 hr