17 min

Faith By Nature Assumes A Future Running With Horses

    • Christianity

All that we experience as we daily walk by faith tests our grit to believe God. In large and small things. And sometimes those things all but bury you since Satan’s plan is just that—to bury you. But then, even when we are right at the breaking point God’s love breaks through: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” Love builds faith in our hearts that ASSUMES a future. No matter what. Against all odds. 

All that we experience as we daily walk by faith tests our grit to believe God. In large and small things. And sometimes those things all but bury you since Satan’s plan is just that—to bury you. But then, even when we are right at the breaking point God’s love breaks through: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” Love builds faith in our hearts that ASSUMES a future. No matter what. Against all odds. 

17 min