57 min

Finding Your Herd featuring Marla Taviano Everyday Thin Places

    • Spirituality

Rachael Gallagher and Elizabeth Varaso visit with the very interesting, Marla Taviano. Marla shares some personal stories of visiting Cambodia, which turned into living in Cambodia, moving back to the United States on the last flight due to Covid, and what life has been like since then.This episode is for anyone who has been impacted by travel, books, starting something new, or feeling like things are falling apart.Visit everydaythinplaces.com for information about how to support Marla and ho...

Rachael Gallagher and Elizabeth Varaso visit with the very interesting, Marla Taviano. Marla shares some personal stories of visiting Cambodia, which turned into living in Cambodia, moving back to the United States on the last flight due to Covid, and what life has been like since then.This episode is for anyone who has been impacted by travel, books, starting something new, or feeling like things are falling apart.Visit everydaythinplaces.com for information about how to support Marla and ho...

57 min