1 hr 3 min

F'ing Up with Katy McFe - S2 E2 F'ing Up

    • Careers

Katy McFee is the Founder and CEO of Insights to Action Coaching & Consulting. She spends time helping women become executives and thrive as senior leaders. Katy, in her own journey, struggled to get to the top tier of leadership. It seemed no matter how successful and results driven she was, that top layer was constantly just out of reach. Katy shares honestly about her experience and how she overcame the hurdles, ultimately becoming an ally to others who experience the same struggle(s)....

Katy McFee is the Founder and CEO of Insights to Action Coaching & Consulting. She spends time helping women become executives and thrive as senior leaders. Katy, in her own journey, struggled to get to the top tier of leadership. It seemed no matter how successful and results driven she was, that top layer was constantly just out of reach. Katy shares honestly about her experience and how she overcame the hurdles, ultimately becoming an ally to others who experience the same struggle(s)....

1 hr 3 min