23 min

Five Questions Over Coffee with Adrienne Bellehumeur (ep. 93‪)‬ It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

    • Entrepreneurship

Who is Adrienne?
Adrienne Bellehumeur is a seasoned professional based in Calgary, Alberta, known as "Texas North" due to its association with the oil and gas industry. With expertise in working with clients in various industries, Adrienne primarily focuses on assisting oil and gas companies, including those in the process of going public in Canada or listed on the US exchange. Her main area of expertise lies in running compliance and internal control operations, as well as handling financial process work. Additionally, Adrienne excels in using her skills in documentation to solve a wide range of problems faced by her clients. While her clientele spans across different sectors, her current work heavily revolves around the oil and gas industry.
Key Takeaways
[00:02:18] Doing more with less: a universal problem.
[00:04:04] Knowledge lost; document lessons, automate, avoid stagnation.
[00:07:27] Wasted money on known problem; lack of communication.
[00:10:35] "Documentation is a problem-solving tool for career success."
[00:14:43] Book summarizes career best practices for all.
[00:18:13] Poor cash flow due to delayed sales.
[00:20:39] Subscribe to link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/newsletter for updates and free downloads.
Valuable Free Resource or Action

A video version of this podcast is also at
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Subscribe to the podcast at https://link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/podcast
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Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level:
If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page :
It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way
Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
documentation, grow your business, 24 hour rule, mass market, advice, guidance, compliance, internal control, financial process, oil and gas, scalability, employee engagement, headcount, systems, knowledge, inflation, interest rates, business owners, high interest rates, high inflation, people's heads, do more with less, lessons learned, automate, minimal effort, sale price, knee-jerk reaction, fancy systems, knowledge management programs, consistent habits, routine.
Adrienne Bellehumeur, Stuart Webb
Stuart Webb [00:00:21]:
Hi. And welcome back to It's not rocket science. I've gotta get that in the middle of the frame. Five questions over coffee. I'm here today with Adrian Bellhuma. Adrian is an expert on documentation and how to best use that documentation to help grow your business. And she's the author of the 24 hour rule, which is the 1st real mass market, book, which gives advice and guidance on the best use and best of documentation to grow your business. So I'm really pleased to have Adrienne here with me on the podcast.
Stuart Webb [00:00:54]:
Adrienne, welcome to It's Not Rocket Science 5 questions over coffee.
Adrienne Bellehumeur [00:00:58]:
Thanks so much, Stuart, for having me. This is great.
Stuart Webb [00:01:01]:
Well, it's terrific to have you. Adrian, let's, let's start by sor

Who is Adrienne?
Adrienne Bellehumeur is a seasoned professional based in Calgary, Alberta, known as "Texas North" due to its association with the oil and gas industry. With expertise in working with clients in various industries, Adrienne primarily focuses on assisting oil and gas companies, including those in the process of going public in Canada or listed on the US exchange. Her main area of expertise lies in running compliance and internal control operations, as well as handling financial process work. Additionally, Adrienne excels in using her skills in documentation to solve a wide range of problems faced by her clients. While her clientele spans across different sectors, her current work heavily revolves around the oil and gas industry.
Key Takeaways
[00:02:18] Doing more with less: a universal problem.
[00:04:04] Knowledge lost; document lessons, automate, avoid stagnation.
[00:07:27] Wasted money on known problem; lack of communication.
[00:10:35] "Documentation is a problem-solving tool for career success."
[00:14:43] Book summarizes career best practices for all.
[00:18:13] Poor cash flow due to delayed sales.
[00:20:39] Subscribe to link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/newsletter for updates and free downloads.
Valuable Free Resource or Action

A video version of this podcast is also at
Subscribe to our newsletter and get details of when we are doing these interviews live at https://TCA.fyi/newsletter
Find out more about being a guest at : link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/beaguest
Subscribe to the podcast at https://link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/podcast
Help us get this podcast in front of as many people as possible. Leave a nice five-star review at apple podcasts : https://link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/apple-podcasts and on YouTube : https://link.thecompleteapproach.co.uk/Itsnotrocketscienceatyt!
Here's how you can bring your business to THE next level:
If you are a business owner currently turning over £/$10K - £/$50K per month and want to grow to £/$100K - £/$500k per month download my free resource on everything you need to grow your business on a single page :
It's a detailed breakdown of how you can grow your business to 7-figures in a smart and sustainable way
Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
documentation, grow your business, 24 hour rule, mass market, advice, guidance, compliance, internal control, financial process, oil and gas, scalability, employee engagement, headcount, systems, knowledge, inflation, interest rates, business owners, high interest rates, high inflation, people's heads, do more with less, lessons learned, automate, minimal effort, sale price, knee-jerk reaction, fancy systems, knowledge management programs, consistent habits, routine.
Adrienne Bellehumeur, Stuart Webb
Stuart Webb [00:00:21]:
Hi. And welcome back to It's not rocket science. I've gotta get that in the middle of the frame. Five questions over coffee. I'm here today with Adrian Bellhuma. Adrian is an expert on documentation and how to best use that documentation to help grow your business. And she's the author of the 24 hour rule, which is the 1st real mass market, book, which gives advice and guidance on the best use and best of documentation to grow your business. So I'm really pleased to have Adrienne here with me on the podcast.
Stuart Webb [00:00:54]:
Adrienne, welcome to It's Not Rocket Science 5 questions over coffee.
Adrienne Bellehumeur [00:00:58]:
Thanks so much, Stuart, for having me. This is great.
Stuart Webb [00:01:01]:
Well, it's terrific to have you. Adrian, let's, let's start by sor

23 min