1 hr 30 min

Florida gets called out, Ryan Fowler on the early days of Kalen DeBoer era Saturday Down South Podcast

    • Football

We've got a loaded pod! The guys dig into Florida getting called out by the comments by former defensive standout Princely Umanmielen (2:00). What does that say about Florida? And is there any reason to push back on that? The Game's Ryan Fowler joined Connor to discuss all things Alabama at the start of the Kalen DeBoer era (45:00). They finish with an update on The Jersey Contest (1:23:00).

We've got a loaded pod! The guys dig into Florida getting called out by the comments by former defensive standout Princely Umanmielen (2:00). What does that say about Florida? And is there any reason to push back on that? The Game's Ryan Fowler joined Connor to discuss all things Alabama at the start of the Kalen DeBoer era (45:00). They finish with an update on The Jersey Contest (1:23:00).

1 hr 30 min