69 episodes

I’m your host, Marla Diann!
I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 26 years through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.
It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.

You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.
Here at Follow Your Joy Podcast, I aspire for you, the highly talented and passionate creative entrepreneur, to do what brings you joy more often …because you learned to listen to your intuition and take action on that guidance.

This is where you’ll find inspiring entrepreneurial stories and solocasts that prove listening to your intuition is certainly the doorway to your wisdom, your genius and your joy. Joy is not to be relegated to a good feeling. It’s a life & business strategy. When we follow our joy and stay tuned into it, we will live a more authentic life.

Not sure how to access, use or trust your intuition living in a logical, intellectual world? Join me in the conversation to find out how!

Follow Your Joy Podcast by Marla Diann Marla Diann

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 6 Ratings

I’m your host, Marla Diann!
I’ve been transforming creative entrepreneurs’ lives for over 26 years through two businesses. As a success coach and business strategist, I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs collapse the time frame of achieving their desires and goals.
It’s time to make joy your inner GPS for life and business decisions rather than lean on your logic and reason, first.

You’ll not only be following what is most authentic to you and for you, but you will live the beautiful life meant just for you.
Here at Follow Your Joy Podcast, I aspire for you, the highly talented and passionate creative entrepreneur, to do what brings you joy more often …because you learned to listen to your intuition and take action on that guidance.

This is where you’ll find inspiring entrepreneurial stories and solocasts that prove listening to your intuition is certainly the doorway to your wisdom, your genius and your joy. Joy is not to be relegated to a good feeling. It’s a life & business strategy. When we follow our joy and stay tuned into it, we will live a more authentic life.

Not sure how to access, use or trust your intuition living in a logical, intellectual world? Join me in the conversation to find out how!

    Personal Branding is Who You Are; Not What You Do

    Personal Branding is Who You Are; Not What You Do

    What comes to mind when I say PERSONAL BRANDING IS WHO YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DO? 
    That’s been my tag line since 2008 when I began coaching creative entrepreneurs how to turn themselves into a brand online and monetize it.
    I decided to reinvent myself after 22 years in entertainment publicity because it was an intuitive nudge that said – time to do something more meaningful and at the same time the world was evolving to online – this was 2006, 2007. I was so inspired by the innovation of viral videos, blogs, social platforms – remember MY SPACE?
    My entire PR career, I built and managed personality PR for celebrities, visual and performing artists creating personal brands strategically on how the world perceived them.
    Bringing everything offline to online, I knew I had to learn a whole new way of working – so I put it out to the Universe and allowed myself to be in discovery mode for about a year.  
    It was the emergence of the online world that caught my attention in 2005, 2006 that eventually led me to a women’s business coach who was teaching how to build an online business. That all sounded great, but I had no idea what I would do and how to build that online until she gave me my path.
    She said “You have been developing personal brands for over 20 yrs. Develop yourself into a personal branding coach for entrepreneurs and teach them how to turn themselves into a brand and monetize it through email marketing, social media, and a blog. I thought – great! But how do I that?
    Join me in my solo episode in how all that played out with highlights of how I’ve been teaching personal branding over the last 16 years. 
    Learn what one brand element is core to your success in personal branding and how the power of storytelling is life changing with an opportunity to rebrand yourself or start from ground zero. 
    Links from the show: 
    Personal Branding intro call form – do not hesitate – if anything in this episode hit a chord for you – explore it – there is something telling you to take an action. https://marladiann.com/branding/
    Personal Brand 6-week Cohort enrollment period launching July 1.
    Free entrepreneurial resources at www.marladiann.com/free

    • 30 min
    A calling to tell her truth publicly became a one-woman show in tribute to women’s strength and vulnerability

    A calling to tell her truth publicly became a one-woman show in tribute to women’s strength and vulnerability

    In the human potential world, we have a saying that is very true. “What is personal is universal.”
    On one hand, for good reason, you may be a private person where being vulnerable in front of people, especially on video, or anywhere publicly, can feel very uncomfortable and not acceptable. So, you keep it to yourself reserved for very close family and friends. That’s respected.
    Then there are others like myself and my guest, Dylan Jones, where we know there is a double blessing when we are courageous enough to listen to our intuition and be publicly vulnerable with our truth.
    The double blessing is the receiving of support from others you hoped for and being an inspiration to others and impacting their lives through your own story of struggle to transformation. That is the gift in the challenge.
    For Dylan, who is an actress and transformational life coach, her decision to deliver her vulnerability was a calling for healing through her own one woman show called Siren Song currently being presented at the Hollywood Fringe Festival June 13-30 – Her specific dates for her show are June 14, 24, 28
    “I have always known that acting was my thumbprint and destiny from the time I was very young. It has often felt like it chose me as it is so much a part of how I see the world,” says Dylan.
    Her Siren Song solo show invokes acting icons Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck and Greta Garbo to unwind the riddle of how to be a woman when the women you wanted to be like aren’t real and the woman who raised you is disappearing before your eyes. Her mother was her touchstone most of her life. Now Dylan watches over her mother who is under careful supervision for an illness.
    Imagine if you could ask your childhood icons anything, what would it be? What would they want us to know that they never got to say?
    So with that, you will have the privilege of hearing how this work of art came to be from her own life tapestry behind the scenes of how this performance was created.

    • 54 min
    Dream bigger than you can imagine. So big that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Do it anyway.

    Dream bigger than you can imagine. So big that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Do it anyway.

    “Be open to opportunities, you never know. They may lead you to something exceptional,” says Christina Flach, a world-renowned celebrity makeup artist and owner of prettygirlmakeup.com beauty products founded in 1996.
    Wait till you hear this episode! Get ready to take notes, seriously. There is an abundance of golden nuggets for you, especially if dreaming big is your thing! You will want to save this episode to come to for inspiration over and over.
    I am pleased to bring Christina on the show. She is represented by Ford Artists in NYC, LA, and Miami with over three decades of substantial life and business experience in the entertainment/lifestyle industry.
    She works with high-profile celebrity clientele such as:  Hilary Swank, Sammy Hagar Rita Moreno Condoleezza Rice, Renee Zellweger, Guy Fieri, Bobby Flay, Sean Hannity and many more. Her list on her website is long and illustrious.
    Christina is a beautiful example of a solid work ethic, resilience, and living by your intuition to take you places you never dreamed of. She has worked with well-known lifestyle brands as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, Ralph Lauren Rebecca Minkoff, and Bloomingdales and featured in Vogue, Forbes, NY Times, People, Time, Food Network, and Elle to name a few.
    In the episode, we talk about how to live by the mindset and heart of BLISS so that regardless of what shows up in life, especially trauma and tragedy, that you allow your loyalty of bliss, gratitude, and appreciation to carry you through the good and not so good times.
    Christina’s brand stands for beauty from the inside out. Her passions are meeting new people, traveling, thinking creatively, and helping people feel and look like the best versions of themselves.
    As a devoted entrepreneur, she allowed herself to design her life around the things that she loved to create a life of bliss. She says, “For me, bliss is a feeling of inner peace and joy. Every day and everything is not always perfect, but I remind myself that I am surrounded by love and blessings. I am extremely grateful for everything I have, including a successful career.”
    Links from the show: 
    www.christinaflach.com and prettygirlmakeup.com - @christinaflach on YouTube, Instagram, FB
    If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann. 
    Intuition in Business? I invite you to have a conversation. Use: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection. 
    This is it. 3-pay ends on May 31. Booking window ends June 15. We are headed to Tuscany & Umbria for our Culinary Adventure for singles and couples Sept 21-29, 2024. www.marladiann.com.tuscany – you coming with us?

    • 55 min
    “I had no idea my YouTube channel was going to become a successful platform”

    “I had no idea my YouTube channel was going to become a successful platform”

    The beauty of intuition is that you never know where it will lead you. You must trust the direction and not listen to anyone’s uncertain feedback. You can count on it never being logical, rational, or making much sense. A usual reaction to an intuitive hunch is “Huh? Why that?”
    Such was the case with North Carolina based Katie Costa, a former science teacher turned successful Reiki Master YouTube brand. 
    As Katie tells us in this episode, “When I lost my job as a science teacher in 2017, I decided intuitively to become a YouTuber. I had no idea that my YouTube channel was eventually going to become a successful platform to help me launch my own online and in-person businesses. Most people thought I was crazy for wanting to become a YouTuber. Little did they know that it led to a successful launching of my online and in-person business. I am also now monetized on YouTube, so creating videos is a big part of what I do for a living, which I enjoy thoroughly.”
    Who would have known? Only your intuition does.
    Katie is a Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman Master, Shamanic Life Coach, YouTuber, Oracle Card Reader, Reiki & Life Coach & Content Creator.
    I met Katie via her YouTube channel. I’ve been watching her Reiki healing episodes for a few years now with much success and I hired her for several Reiki healing and Life coaching sessions. She is a woman on a mission. She says her change in careers came with a big purpose. “I wanted to give back to humanity and live a life of purpose. I wanted to do something that had deeper meaning.”
    Her YT channel keeps growing and growing as she heals thousands of lives. The real deal.  I wanted her on the podcast to share her wisdom with you. I know you will find her story and expertise fascinating.
    Tune in! We are on Spotify, Apple, Google & YouTube.  
    Links from the show: 
    Subscribe to Katie’s YouTube Channel, Weather Shaman ASMR: www.youtube.com/@WeatherShaman 
    email her at: weathershaman1111@gmail.com 
    Instagram: weathershaman_asmr
    If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann. 
    Achieve your one-year goals in 90-days using intuition and strategy without massive action. CREATE Cohort begins May 22. Last few days of enrollment period. Get yourself registered. www.marladiann.com/create 
    Intuition in Business? Intro call: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection

    • 44 min
    Her Intuitive Hunch Led to a $60,000 Contract

    Her Intuitive Hunch Led to a $60,000 Contract

    She was born to sell. You don’t need to work twice as hard to make twice as much.
    Laura’s charisma and natural sales talent took off right after she completed her Art Degree in college. Art to a sales career? Fascinating story how this all unfolded. 
    In the episode, you will hear how her biggest failure due to the 2008 downturn in the economy thanks to the mortgage crisis left her $500K in paralyzing debt. Listen how her booming real estate business with over 100 properties went bust and what she did to make a comeback by taking her courage, resilience, and sales talent to turn a $250K business she was employed by into a $1.2 Million success inside of 2 years. 
    Laura shares how vital listening to your intuitive hunches are as she explains the day she listened to a random intuitive message telling her to reach out to a former client. That serendipitous moment turned into a $60K contract. 
    Her own transformational story around her challenge with relationship commitment can be a game changer for you as it was for her on all levels in her life. She has so many golden nuggets in this conversation, I couldn’t stop taking notes! You will, too. Be ready to write them down. She gives you loads to think about and begin taking action on. I recommend you re-listen to this a few times so as not to miss anything! 
    Links from the show: 
    www.laurawrightofficial.com/gift - 5 Steps to Yes System - Overcoming Sales Objections

    If you enjoyed the episode and podcast, I’d appreciate a review on Apple & Spotify. Let’s connect: @marla_diann. Booking: Tuscany & Umbria Culinary Adventure for singles and couples Sept 21-29, 2024. www.marladiann.com.tuscany for our 9 day/8 night adventure!  - Intuition in Business? Intro call: https://calendly.com/successcoach-marladiann/connection

    • 42 min
    She found her joy at the intersection of building communities & renovating homes in Italy for the greatest good

    She found her joy at the intersection of building communities & renovating homes in Italy for the greatest good

    Delighted to have you meet Chris Sobolev, who I met in her Facebook group, All About Italy, only a few months ago.
    I was attracted to her good vibes and how she ran her FB group with integrity and fun! She has this genuine, caring quality about her. I had to have her on the show!

    Chris and her husband Pete, own Super Savvy Travelers, and work in the quaint seaside town of Calabria, Italy.
    They are marketing consultants and property and community developers who match their clients with the professionals in their network to find, purchase, and renovate Italian properties. They also provide marketing services for property sellers. They are not real estate agents in Italy.
    They made a life around the beautiful culture Italy offers. As you hear her tell behind the scenes stories of how she ended up in Italy after living in California most of her life, she explains their mission is to share the unspoiled beauty, food and culture of Italy with friends globally, and help them find and renovate properties for use as vacation or full-time homes.
    On her YouTube channel, you can see all her videos on current and past renovations of these old, distressed properties turning them into works of art. She just completed her own property, Casa Cristina, ready for short-term rentals in Santa Domenica Talao. 
    I know you will find her as genuine as I did as she explains how passionate she and Pete are at helping grow the economy in small hilltop Italian towns and grow solid connections for the greatest good in the greatest number. 
    What a great resource! Be sure to save this episode and the show notes to connect with Chris.  

    Links from the show: 
    YouTube: Super Savvy Travelers, LLC,
    Website: www.supersavvytravelers.com - to book Casa Cristina and purchase her guide on how to buy and renovate homes in Italy.
    IG, FB, LI, @SuperSavvyTravelers
    April 17th No-cost webinar, Liberate your life in the heart of Tuscany & Umbria www.marladiann.com/liberate
    Sogna Toscano Culinary Adventure booking and details: www.marladiann.com/tuscany

    • 53 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
6 Ratings

6 Ratings

Mvkidplay ,

Always Spot On for Success and Joy!

I love listening in to Marla’s podcasts! I don’t aways catch them as they drop but when I do catch up I am always rewarded with fresh, creative and inspiring conversations!!

lauraweintraub ,

Raw, unfiltered, transparent

I love listening to this “joycast”! Marla is an excellent host as she interviews her guests and guides them to be raw, unfiltered and transparent making the listener feel like they’re right there too engaged in the conversation and having a hangout. Kudos to Marla for following her joy and launching this podcast which I have coined to be a “joycast”!

Howl2moon ,

A joy of a podcast!

Marla’s podcast “Follow Your Joy” is fascinating, illuminating, positive, entertaining, inspiring, intuitive and a, well, JOY to listen to . . . Come for the stories, stay for the life lessons on how to follow YOUR joy, and count yourself blessed to have a podcast like this to enjoy and cherish.

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