29 min

Frank Seidel with Wamser Batra USA The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie

    • Management

Industrial Talk is chatting with Frank Seidel, Managing Partner at Wamser + Batra USA about “Solutions in how your company can succeed in India”. The following is a summary of our conversation:

Succeeding in India with Frank Seidel. 0:04

Scott Mackenzie welcomes listeners to the industrial talk podcast and thanks them for their support.

Frank Seidel, industry professional, discusses how to take businesses to the next level in India.

Scott MacKenzie, host, highlights Frank's background and expertise in the industry.

Entering the Indian market for US companies. 5:43

Frank discusses the potential of the Indian market for US companies, highlighting its large size and consumer preferences for foreign products.

Frank highlights India's low labor costs and potential as a gateway to Asia for manufacturing and exporting.

Frank advises companies to take a strategic and well-planned approach to entering the Indian market, involving a market visit and introduction to key stakeholders.

Web USA offers a specialized service to help companies navigate the Indian market, including setting up meetings with suppliers, competitors, and potential locations for a manufacturing plant.

Setting up and expanding business in India with a US-based consulting firm. 13:03

India presents unique challenges for businesses due to cultural differences and complex regulations.

India's labor force is 50% of China's size, with a strong male workforce and limited female participation.

Frank offers long-term partnership to guide companies through India's complex business environment.

Expanding business into India with potential risks and challenges. 20:07

Scott MacKenzie is concerned about the risks of expanding his organization into India, but is interested in exploring the opportunity with the help of a trusted partner like Speaker 3.

Frank emphasizes the importance of proper preparation, including having the right budget and team in place, before entering the Indian market.

Company helps businesses navigate complex Indian market, mitigating legal issues and finding new suppliers.

India's business potential and trust building. 25:10

Frank from India shares insights on trust and consultative approach in business conversations.

Frank Seidel shares his insights on building trust in business relationships.

If interested in being on the Industrial Talk show, simply contact us and let's have a quick conversation.

Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Marketing Process Course” for Greater Success in 2024. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankgseidel/

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wamserbatra/

Company Website: https://www.wamser-batra.de/

Industrial Talk is chatting with Frank Seidel, Managing Partner at Wamser + Batra USA about “Solutions in how your company can succeed in India”. The following is a summary of our conversation:

Succeeding in India with Frank Seidel. 0:04

Scott Mackenzie welcomes listeners to the industrial talk podcast and thanks them for their support.

Frank Seidel, industry professional, discusses how to take businesses to the next level in India.

Scott MacKenzie, host, highlights Frank's background and expertise in the industry.

Entering the Indian market for US companies. 5:43

Frank discusses the potential of the Indian market for US companies, highlighting its large size and consumer preferences for foreign products.

Frank highlights India's low labor costs and potential as a gateway to Asia for manufacturing and exporting.

Frank advises companies to take a strategic and well-planned approach to entering the Indian market, involving a market visit and introduction to key stakeholders.

Web USA offers a specialized service to help companies navigate the Indian market, including setting up meetings with suppliers, competitors, and potential locations for a manufacturing plant.

Setting up and expanding business in India with a US-based consulting firm. 13:03

India presents unique challenges for businesses due to cultural differences and complex regulations.

India's labor force is 50% of China's size, with a strong male workforce and limited female participation.

Frank offers long-term partnership to guide companies through India's complex business environment.

Expanding business into India with potential risks and challenges. 20:07

Scott MacKenzie is concerned about the risks of expanding his organization into India, but is interested in exploring the opportunity with the help of a trusted partner like Speaker 3.

Frank emphasizes the importance of proper preparation, including having the right budget and team in place, before entering the Indian market.

Company helps businesses navigate complex Indian market, mitigating legal issues and finding new suppliers.

India's business potential and trust building. 25:10

Frank from India shares insights on trust and consultative approach in business conversations.

Frank Seidel shares his insights on building trust in business relationships.

If interested in being on the Industrial Talk show, simply contact us and let's have a quick conversation.

Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Marketing Process Course” for Greater Success in 2024. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankgseidel/

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wamserbatra/

Company Website: https://www.wamser-batra.de/

29 min