39 min

From Attorney To SIX FIGURE Money Coach With Delyanne Barros New Money with Nathan Kennedy

    • Investing

This week, Nate interviews Delyanne Barros who is a successful money coach with an interesting and diverse past! If you have ever had any entrepreneurial ambitions, I think you will learn a ton from this episode!! 
Delyanne's Website: https://www.mastermyfire.com/
Delyanne's IG: https://www.instagram.com/delyannethemoneycoach/?hl=en

This week, Nate interviews Delyanne Barros who is a successful money coach with an interesting and diverse past! If you have ever had any entrepreneurial ambitions, I think you will learn a ton from this episode!! 
Delyanne's Website: https://www.mastermyfire.com/
Delyanne's IG: https://www.instagram.com/delyannethemoneycoach/?hl=en

39 min