1 hr 10 min

From Spain to NOAA: The Journey of a Shark Scientist Beyond Jaws: Exploring Shark Science and Conservation

    • Nature

Join us on this episode of Beyond Jaws as we chat with Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist from NOAA Fisheries. Discover his fascinating career spanning 25 years and learn about his plans for retirement. Tune in to explore the evolution of shark science and the diverse fields within the industry.
Don't miss out on this insightful episode shedding light on these mysterious ocean creatures.
Connect with us:
Website: https://bit.ly/37TMqeK
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3eorwXZ
Beyond Jaws is supported by Save Our Seas
Website: https://saveourseas.com/
Website: https://www.lostsharkguy.com/
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3q1J9Q5

Website: https://www.speakupforblue.com/
Instagram: https://bit.ly/37g5WkG
Shark stock assessments are crucial for understanding the status of shark populations and informing management decisions. In a podcast episode featuring Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist specializing in stock assessments at NOAA Fisheries, the importance of these assessments was emphasized.
Enric's extensive experience in conducting stock assessments for Atlantic sharks highlighted the significance of these assessments in evaluating the health and sustainability of shark populations. Stock assessments involve analyzing data on shark catches, bycatch, abundance indices, and biological information to estimate population size, growth rates, mortality rates, and reproductive parameters.
Through stock assessments, scientists like Enric can determine the abundance of shark species, assess their reproductive potential, and evaluate the impact of fishing pressure on their populations. This information is essential for fisheries management to set sustainable catch limits, implement conservation measures, and protect vulnerable shark species.
Enric's work in stock assessments not only provided valuable insights into the status of shark populations but also contributed to the development of management strategies to ensure the long-term viability of shark species. By combining data-driven analysis with ecological knowledge, stock assessments help guide policymakers, resource managers, and conservationists in making informed decisions to protect and sustainably manage shark populations.
The podcast episode underscored the critical role of stock assessments in shark science and emphasized the importance of continued research and monitoring to safeguard the future of these iconic marine species.
Importance of Data Collection and Monitoring Programs in Shark Research and Conservation In the Beyond Jaws podcast episode featuring Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist, the conversation highlighted the critical role of data collection and monitoring programs in shark research and conservation efforts. Here's how the episode emphasized the significance of these programs:
Foundation of Research: Enric emphasized the importance of having real data as the foundation for any assessment or research in shark science. He stressed that without accurate and reliable data, the outcomes of research and conservation efforts could be compromised. Data collection forms the basis for understanding shark populations, behaviors, and ecological interactions.
Diversity in Data Sources: The episode discussed various sources of data used in shark research, including catches, bycatch information, indices of abundance, and biological data. These diverse data sources provide insights into different aspects of shark populations, such as population dynamics, reproductive patterns, and age and growth characteristics.
Challenges in Data Collection: Enric highlighted the challenges in data collection, especially in the realm of biological information for sharks. The lack of comprehensive data on aspects like age and growth, natural mortality, and reproductive parameters poses significant challenges in understanding and managing shark populations effectively.
Need for Continued Investment: The episode underscored the ongoing need

Join us on this episode of Beyond Jaws as we chat with Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist from NOAA Fisheries. Discover his fascinating career spanning 25 years and learn about his plans for retirement. Tune in to explore the evolution of shark science and the diverse fields within the industry.
Don't miss out on this insightful episode shedding light on these mysterious ocean creatures.
Connect with us:
Website: https://bit.ly/37TMqeK
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3eorwXZ
Beyond Jaws is supported by Save Our Seas
Website: https://saveourseas.com/
Website: https://www.lostsharkguy.com/
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3q1J9Q5

Website: https://www.speakupforblue.com/
Instagram: https://bit.ly/37g5WkG
Shark stock assessments are crucial for understanding the status of shark populations and informing management decisions. In a podcast episode featuring Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist specializing in stock assessments at NOAA Fisheries, the importance of these assessments was emphasized.
Enric's extensive experience in conducting stock assessments for Atlantic sharks highlighted the significance of these assessments in evaluating the health and sustainability of shark populations. Stock assessments involve analyzing data on shark catches, bycatch, abundance indices, and biological information to estimate population size, growth rates, mortality rates, and reproductive parameters.
Through stock assessments, scientists like Enric can determine the abundance of shark species, assess their reproductive potential, and evaluate the impact of fishing pressure on their populations. This information is essential for fisheries management to set sustainable catch limits, implement conservation measures, and protect vulnerable shark species.
Enric's work in stock assessments not only provided valuable insights into the status of shark populations but also contributed to the development of management strategies to ensure the long-term viability of shark species. By combining data-driven analysis with ecological knowledge, stock assessments help guide policymakers, resource managers, and conservationists in making informed decisions to protect and sustainably manage shark populations.
The podcast episode underscored the critical role of stock assessments in shark science and emphasized the importance of continued research and monitoring to safeguard the future of these iconic marine species.
Importance of Data Collection and Monitoring Programs in Shark Research and Conservation In the Beyond Jaws podcast episode featuring Enric Cortes, a retired shark scientist, the conversation highlighted the critical role of data collection and monitoring programs in shark research and conservation efforts. Here's how the episode emphasized the significance of these programs:
Foundation of Research: Enric emphasized the importance of having real data as the foundation for any assessment or research in shark science. He stressed that without accurate and reliable data, the outcomes of research and conservation efforts could be compromised. Data collection forms the basis for understanding shark populations, behaviors, and ecological interactions.
Diversity in Data Sources: The episode discussed various sources of data used in shark research, including catches, bycatch information, indices of abundance, and biological data. These diverse data sources provide insights into different aspects of shark populations, such as population dynamics, reproductive patterns, and age and growth characteristics.
Challenges in Data Collection: Enric highlighted the challenges in data collection, especially in the realm of biological information for sharks. The lack of comprehensive data on aspects like age and growth, natural mortality, and reproductive parameters poses significant challenges in understanding and managing shark populations effectively.
Need for Continued Investment: The episode underscored the ongoing need

1 hr 10 min