38 min

From Writing A Book to Giving Speeches with Debby Kevin Speaking Sessions

    • Entrepreneurship

Embark on a literary adventure with Debby Kevin, the visionary behind Highland Press, as she unveils the synergy between storytelling and personal growth. Through the art of spoken word, she advocates for the authentic capture of one's story, defying traditional writing norms. We navigate the disciplined path from the conception of an idea to the publication of a book, underscoring the significance of a clear vision and unwavering commitment. Debby's expertise through Highland Press offers a ...

Embark on a literary adventure with Debby Kevin, the visionary behind Highland Press, as she unveils the synergy between storytelling and personal growth. Through the art of spoken word, she advocates for the authentic capture of one's story, defying traditional writing norms. We navigate the disciplined path from the conception of an idea to the publication of a book, underscoring the significance of a clear vision and unwavering commitment. Debby's expertise through Highland Press offers a ...

38 min