154 episodes

Full Funnel Freedom is for sales executives, directors and managers who know they want to improve the capabilities of their sales teams to generate more leads and income with ease. You're tired of the constant hustle and the pressure of leading a demotivated sales team. You are looking for ways to assess, develop and lead your team that ultimately lead to better results. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to build a sales funnel that brings you freedom. Hosted by Hamish Knox, author of Accountability The Sandler Way and Change The Sandler Way, recipient of Sandler Global Rookie of the Year and David H Sandler Award Winner. You'll learn not only how to reach more prospects but how to maximise the client relationships you already have. This is the show for you to learn how to feel less pressured and stressed about the sales process & what it takes to have Full Funnel Freedom.

Full Funnel Freedom Hamish Knox

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 14 Ratings

Full Funnel Freedom is for sales executives, directors and managers who know they want to improve the capabilities of their sales teams to generate more leads and income with ease. You're tired of the constant hustle and the pressure of leading a demotivated sales team. You are looking for ways to assess, develop and lead your team that ultimately lead to better results. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to build a sales funnel that brings you freedom. Hosted by Hamish Knox, author of Accountability The Sandler Way and Change The Sandler Way, recipient of Sandler Global Rookie of the Year and David H Sandler Award Winner. You'll learn not only how to reach more prospects but how to maximise the client relationships you already have. This is the show for you to learn how to feel less pressured and stressed about the sales process & what it takes to have Full Funnel Freedom.

    153. Prepare for the Sale, with Rick Fox

    153. Prepare for the Sale, with Rick Fox

    This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/y_j9kYl_dq8
    Life is unpredictable, and opportunities can arise unexpectedly. Preparing your business for sale, even if you don't plan to sell anytime soon, is a strategic move. It’s akin to maintaining your house for potential buyers; you fix the leaky roof, repaint the walls, and tidy up the garden. Rick Fox, an experienced Chief Revenue Officer at Brightway, emphasizes the importance of this proactive approach. Running your business as if it's always on the market not only enhances its value but also ensures smooth operations and financial health. By maintaining thorough records, optimizing processes, and keeping your team aligned with business goals, you can attract potential buyers and investors. Plus, this level of preparedness often results in a more efficient, profitable, and enjoyable business to run.
    Rick Fox, currently the Chief Revenue Officer at Brightway, brings a wealth of experience to the table. With a career that began in sales and insurance, Rick built his own successful independent insurance agency. Recognizing the importance of formal education, he paused his career to complete his degree before returning to expand his business. He later transitioned to the technology side of insurance, holding significant roles such as Head of Agency Sales at Vertifor and President of Agency Revolution. Rick’s expertise lies in scaling operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving revenue growth through innovative product offerings. His deep understanding of both the insurance and technology sectors makes him a sought-after leader and strategist.
    What you'll learn:
    How can businesses maintain operational efficiency while preparing for a potential sale? What are the critical steps in aligning a sales team with the overarching goals of the company? Why is it essential to maintain passion and enthusiasm in sales, and how can leaders impart this to their teams? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    Emotional Intelligence 2.0 - by Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves
    The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation - by Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 35 min
    152. When to Call In the CEO, with Alice Heiman

    152. When to Call In the CEO, with Alice Heiman

    Bringing your CEO into a sales deal can be a game-changer, but only if done strategically. When executed correctly, involving the CEO can provide the gravitas and assurance needed to close complex deals, especially when selling to large organizations. However, without proper preparation, it can backfire, causing misalignment and confusion. Key triggers for involving the CEO include high-dollar deals, prestigious accounts, and significant lifetime value. The CEO's role should be clearly defined to convey confidence, vision, and commitment to the prospective client. Proper orchestration and practice are essential to ensure the CEO enhances rather than hinders the sales process.
    Alice Heiman, the Chief Sales Energizer, is an expert in elevating sales for companies with exceptional growth potential. With over two decades of experience, Alice works closely with CEOs and sales leadership to build strategies that drive new business and grow existing accounts. Known for her energetic and strategic approach, Alice's clients benefit from her extensive knowledge in sales, which she also shares as a board member for several companies and as a lecturer at the University of Nevada.
    What you'll learn:
    What are the key indicators that it's time to bring the CEO into a sales deal? How can sales leaders effectively prepare their CEO for a sales meeting to ensure alignment and success? What strategies can sales leaders use to manage and guide the CEO's involvement without losing control of the sales process? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love it, by April Dunford.
    Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men - by Caroline Criado Perez
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 39 min
    151. How to Survive the Acquisition, with David Farrell

    151. How to Survive the Acquisition, with David Farrell

    Acquisitions can be a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty for sales teams. It's essential to maintain focus and clarity to ensure a smooth transition and continued success. David Farrell, a seasoned sales leader with over 24 years of experience, shares invaluable insights on what to do and not do when your company is about to be acquired. Key strategies include maintaining a replicable process that is attractive to potential buyers and ensuring your team is performing at its best to secure job security. Transparency and honest conversations with your team about their career paths and the organization's future can help mitigate anxiety and maintain morale. Above all, it's crucial to focus on your results and reputation—these will be your strongest assets during and after an acquisition.
    David Farrell brings a wealth of experience in the human resources technology space, having sold to companies ranging from one employee to 125,000 employees. Starting his career in media and entertainment, David shifted to sales to better support his lifestyle. He quickly excelled, moving up from selling to small businesses to leading large market sales teams. His career includes roles such as Chief Sales Officer, where he successfully navigated multiple acquisitions, ultimately becoming a leader of leaders at his current organization, overseeing three different divisions, including one in Canada. David's journey is a testament to the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and strategic thinking in sales leadership.
    What you'll learn:
    How can you maintain team focus and performance when rumors of an acquisition start circulating? What are the key considerations for a sales leader during the middle of an acquisition process? What should sales leaders do post-acquisition to ensure their team and themselves are positioned for success? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    Who Moved My Cheese - by Spencer Johnson
    The JOLT Effect: How High Performers Overcome Customer Indecision - by Matthew Dixon, Ted McKenna
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 37 min
    150. Why a Team-Based Selling Strategy Wins, with Bradley Paster

    150. Why a Team-Based Selling Strategy Wins, with Bradley Paster

    This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/gXbCiJ8zRYs
    Effective sales leadership is about more than just managing numbers and hitting targets. It's about fostering a cohesive team strategy where every department aligns towards a common goal. A scattered approach, where departments like sales, marketing, and operations pull in different directions, leads to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. A team-based strategy leverages the strengths of each department, ensuring that everyone from sales engineers to account managers works in unison. This alignment not only drives revenue growth but also creates a robust, scalable organization. It's about creating synergy, where the combined efforts produce greater results than the sum of individual contributions.
    Bradley Pastner brings over a decade of experience in managing revenue teams with impressive run rates ranging from $8 million to $100 million. As the founder of Team Based Selling, Bradley's unique approach emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts across all phases of go-to-market strategies. His career trajectory, from tech support to advisory roles for Series A companies, showcases his expertise in building and leading effective sales teams. Bradley's philosophy is rooted in the belief that true success comes from a unified team effort, ensuring that every member is aligned and working towards the same goals.
    What you'll learn:
    How can a team-based approach to go-to-market strategies enhance overall sales effectiveness? What role does marketing play in a cohesive sales strategy, and how can sales and marketing teams better align their goals? Why is defining your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) crucial, and how can it transform your sales and marketing efforts? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 35 min
    149. How Helping Your Sellers Short Term May Hurt them Long Term, with Susie Mathieson, the small stuff

    149. How Helping Your Sellers Short Term May Hurt them Long Term, with Susie Mathieson, the small stuff

    This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nijdoUc7NcA
    Being a leader isn't about managing the day-to-day tasks of your team; it's about empowering them to handle their responsibilities effectively. Susie Matheson, the founder of The Small Stuff, shared valuable insights on this topic. She recounted her own experiences as a frontline sales manager, where she often took on administrative tasks for her team to free up their time. While this seemed helpful initially, it ultimately did more harm than good. It prevented team members from developing the skills they needed to succeed independently. Instead, leaders should focus on equipping their teams with the necessary tools and training, fostering autonomy, and holding them accountable to their KPIs. This approach not only enhances individual growth but also strengthens the overall team performance.
    Susie Matheson is a seasoned sales professional and the founder of The Small Stuff, a company dedicated to sales training. Born and raised in the UK, Susie has a rich background in various industries, including paint, coatings, and automotive sales. Her career took her to Germany, where she honed her sales skills and developed a passion for helping others reach their sales potential. After years in sales management roles, Susie took a break in 2019 to travel, which led to the founding of The Small Stuff. Her experience as a sales manager taught her the importance of not just meeting KPIs but also understanding the human side of sales. Today, Susie and her team focus on empowering salespeople by providing them with the right tools and training to succeed.
    What you'll learn:
    How can leaders empower their sales teams to be more autonomous and less reliant on managerial intervention? What are the key steps in developing an effective personal development plan for sales team members? How does consistency in leadership practices build trust and improve team performance? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    Susie Mathison on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/susiemathieson/
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 33 min
    148. Sales needs to get comfortable with transparency in the age of AI, with Julie Holmes

    148. Sales needs to get comfortable with transparency in the age of AI, with Julie Holmes

    This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/K-_Xk5h1Wj4
    In today's rapidly evolving sales landscape, failing to embrace AI tools can leave your sales department lagging behind. AI is revolutionizing how sales teams operate, offering capabilities such as automating routine tasks, analyzing customer interactions, and personalizing sales pitches at scale. Julie Holmes emphasizes that AI can help sales professionals sell smarter, serve better, and save time. Integrating AI tools like call recording and CRM automation not only enhances transparency but also provides valuable insights for improving sales strategies. Sales leaders must recognize the necessity of AI to stay competitive and drive better sales outcomes.
    Julie Holmes is a serial inventor, tech developer, and strategic innovator with over two decades of leadership experience in enterprise technology. As a dynamic entrepreneur and popular keynote speaker, Julie specializes in helping businesses innovate and differentiate in a fast-paced technological environment. Her expertise is highly sought after by major brands such as Oracle, PeopleSoft, Expedia, and American Express. Julie's down-to-earth approach and deep understanding of AI make her an invaluable resource for leaders and teams aiming to thrive in the new normal of technology-driven business.
    What you'll learn:
    How can AI tools enhance transparency and provide actionable insights in the sales process? What specific AI applications can sales leaders implement to support their teams and improve productivity? How can sales teams use AI to personalize outreach and build better relationships with prospects? We want to hear from you!
    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes. 
    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta
    The AI Daily Brief (Formerly The AI Breakdown): Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis
    Freakonomics Radio
    HBS Managing the Future of Work
    Julie Holmes on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thejulieholmes/
    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/
    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando
    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA
    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

    • 38 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
14 Ratings

14 Ratings

Taft216 ,

One of my go-to business podcasts

I’ve been worked in sales and sales operations for years and this is one of my go-to podcasts. Hamish is such an interesting personality and I love the conversations he has. I usually don’t like this style of podcast because guests just shill their wares, but the conversations I listen to in this one are a lot more organic and interesting. Definitely worth a listen!

reg_hartner13 ,

Wow, what a game changer when it comes to sales

So many sales podcasts treat their listeners as robots. “What you should have said was…”

Or they repeat the same closing and challenger garbage that give true sales professionals a bad name. I appreciate that Hamish talks about the sale person. Their behaviors and their attitudes for success. Yes, there is great technique in there as well, but he really focuses on the overall success of the sales person and I appreciate him for that. Great guests as well. He really gives well rounded coverage of topics and industries. I highly recommend this for anyone in sales or even just needs motivation and coaching in general.

Sofia 666 ,

addicting tidbits I can’t get enough of

This pod pours rocket fuel into my pipeline. Great insight from Hamish, who I respect, and fabulous guests that have really changed the way I look at sales, prospecting and leadership.

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