7 episodes

In conversation with game creators from India


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In conversation with game creators from India


    In Conversation with Arvind Raja Yadav - Part 1

    In Conversation with Arvind Raja Yadav - Part 1

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    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Rishi and Yadu talk to Arvind Raja Yadav, founder, designer and developer at Pyrodactyl Games about making games from college to finding Kickstarter success and more.
    People in the podcast
    Arvind Raja Yadav - https://twitter.com/arvindrajayadav
    Rishikanth Somayaji - https://twitter.com/rks_89
    Yadu Rajiv - https://twitter.com/yadurajiv
    Notes from the podcast
    Pyrodactyl Games - https://pyrodactyl.com/
    The A.Typical RPG - https://pyrodactyl.com/atypical-rpg/
    Will Fight for Food - https://pyrodactyl.com/will-fight-for-food/

    Thank you for reading Gamedev.in. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.gamedev.in

    • 1 hr 50 min
    In Conversation with Nakul Verma

    In Conversation with Nakul Verma

    Listen on Apple Podcast | Listen on Spotify | Listen on PocketCasts | Listen on Amazon Music | RSS Feed
    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Arjun and Shagun talk to Nakul Verma, founder and director of Playbae Games about his gamedev journey from college days to releasing In My Shadow and more.
    Nakul was selected as one of 2022’s Bafta Breakthrouhs from India. You can find Nakul online on the Playbae game’s account on twitter.
    People in the podcast
    Nakul Verma - https://twitter.com/playbaegames
    Shagun Shah - https://twitter.com/ShagunShah
    Arjun Nair - https://twitter.com/NairArjun
    Thanks for reading Gamedev.in! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support our work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.gamedev.in

    • 1 hr 6 min
    In Conversation with Mala Sen and Mridul Kashatria

    In Conversation with Mala Sen and Mridul Kashatria

    Listen on Apple Podcast | Listen on Spotify | Listen on PocketCasts | Listen on Amazon Music | RSS Feed
    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Rishi and Arjun talk to Mala Sen and Mridul Kashatria, the dynamic duo behind Niku Games about their past, present and future as an indie studio. The podcast delves into their upcoming title The Palace On The Hill, how they started, their process and what we can expect in the future.
    You can find Mala and Mridul active on their Discord Channel.
    People in the podcast
    Mala Sen - https://twitter.com/senmalasen
    Mridul Kashatria - https://twitter.com/mridkash
    Rishikanth Somayaji - https://twitter.com/rks_89
    Arjun Nair - https://twitter.com/NairArjun
    Thank you for reading Gamedev.in. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.gamedev.in

    • 1 hr 6 min
    In Conversation with Saumya Iyer

    In Conversation with Saumya Iyer

    Listen on Apple Podcast | Listen on Spotify | Listen on PocketCasts | Listen on Amazon Music | RSS Feed
    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Saumya Iyer talks to Shagun and Yadu about her past 16 years in the games industry so far, building and nurturing communities, working on mmos, early days of f2p in India and more
    People in the podcast
    Saumya Iyer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/saumyaiyer/
    Shagun Shah - https://twitter.com/ShagunShah
    Yadu Rajiv - https://twitter.com/yadurajiv

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.gamedev.in

    • 48 min
    In Conversation with Shailesh Prabhu

    In Conversation with Shailesh Prabhu

    Listen on Apple Podcast | Listen on Spotify | Listen on PocketCasts | Listen on Amazon Music | RSS Feed
    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Yadu and Arjun talk to Shailesh Prabhu, founder of Yellow Monkey Studio, about his roots in the Indian games industry, the early days of the indie scene in India and much more.
    People in the podcast
    Shailesh Prabhu - https://twitter.com/shaileshprabhu
    Arjun Nair - https://twitter.com/NairArjun
    Yadu Rajiv - https://twitter.com/yadurajiv
    Notes from the podcast
    Yellow Monkey Studios - http://www.yellowmonkeystudios.com/
    Ragnarok online - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnarok_Online
    Dhruva interactive - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhruva_Interactive
    Nazara Technologies - https://corp.nazara.com/
    Avin Sharma - https://www.linkedin.com/in/avinsharma
    Day of the Tentacle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Tentacle
    Mortley - A Stitch in Time - Video
    Finger Footie - http://www.yellowmonkeystudios.com/games/finger-footie/
    It's Just a Thought - http://www.yellowmonkeystudios.com/games/its-just-a-thought/
    Huebrix - http://www.yellowmonkeystudios.com/games/huebrix/
    Krishna Israney - https://people.gamedev.in/krishnaisraney
    Huebrix on Kongregate - https://www.kongregate.com/games/ymstudios/huebrix
    Shareware - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shareware
    ID Software - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id_Software
    Does Not Commute - https://www.mediocre.se/commute/
    Socioball - http://www.socioballthegame.com/
    Bluk - http://www.yellowmonkeystudios.com/games/bluk/
    Apoorva Joshi - https://apoorvaj.io/
    Deepak Menon Madathil - https://www.linkedin.com/in/deepak-menon-m
    Creative Europe - https://ec.europa.eu/culture/creative-europe
    Ramayana - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramayana
    Fallout 3 release cancelled in India – Article
    Saint Young Men - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Young_Men
    Mahabharata - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabharata
    Shark Mob - https://www.sharkmob.com/
    Resident Evil Village - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_Village
    WarioWare - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarioWare:_Get_It_Together!
    Elden Ring - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elden_Ring
    Demon Souls - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon%27s_Souls_(2020_video_game)
    Full Transcript
    Yadu Rajiv 0:06
    Hello, and welcome to the GameDev.in podcast. In this episode Arjun and Yadu catch up with Shailesh Prabhu to talk about his history with the Indian games industry, the early indie scene in India and much more.
    Alright, today we have Shailesh Prabhu with us, who is the founder of Yellow Monkey Studios, and maker of many, many awesome games, and also communities as well. And many other things as well, which he will tell us what he has been doing for his entire life now. Over to you, Shailesh.
    Shailesh Prabhu 0:45
    Hi. I'm Shailesh. I. I've been working in games for I don't know, since 2004, or five, I think. Yeah, for almost nine years, nine months. I was at Yellow Monkey, which I founded and ran for that long. Yeah. I've worked at a bunch of studios in India. And before that, and after Yellow Monkey, I worked at a bunch of studios in Copenhagen, and then distributed work studio. And then now in Malmo, in Sweden. Yeah, I've worked on different scale of games from casual to hyper casual to AAA too. And we had a small community, which we're we're also running back back when I was in India, which, which Yadu was also I think, part of local indie game devs long ago. And I've helped, like, with some other community initiatives that were active in India when I was there. So yeah, that's, I guess me.
    Yadu Rajiv 2:13
    That is the briefest brief intro that we've had, I guess.
    Arjun Nair 2:18
    A good intro. shailesh. But when you start before

    • 1 hr 8 min
    In Conversation with Armaan from Frostwood Interactive

    In Conversation with Armaan from Frostwood Interactive

    Listen on Apple Podcast | Listen on Spotify | Listen on PocketCasts | Listen on Amazon Music | RSS Feed
    Thank you all for tuning into our podcast. This is our attempt at archiving the history of game development of Indian creators, through their own stories and voice. We hope you find it interesting and engaging. If you have any thoughts and suggestions, please come by our discord and have a chat!
    In this episode Yadu and Arjun talk to Armaan of Frostwood Interactive about his roots, inspirations for Rainswept, Forgotten Fields, and his next secret project.
    People in the podcast
    Armaan - https://twitter.com/Armaan_S92
    Arjun Nair - https://twitter.com/NairArjun
    Yadu Rajiv - https://twitter.com/yadurajiv
    Notes from the podcast
    Frostwood Interactive - Link
    Rainswept - Link
    Unity - Link
    How I quit my 9-5 and became a full time indie game dev - Video
    Twin Peaks - Link
    Memories of Murder - Link
    EGX Rezzed - Link
    Forgotten Fields - Link
    Rami Ismail - Link
    Dino Digital - Link
    Chit fund - Link
    Neon Bedlam - Link
    Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye - Link
    Silent Hill - Link
    Invisible Waves - Link
    Michal Michalski - Link
    Goa - Link
    Audacity - Link
    Adventure Creator - Link
    Alan Wake - Link
    Silent Hill 2 - Link
    Last life in the Universe / "Reung Rak Noi Nid Mahasarl" - Link
    David Lynch - Link
    Full Transcript
    Yadu Rajiv 0:07
    Hello, and thank you for tuning in to the gamedev.in podcast. In this episode Yadu, and Arjun talk to Armaan of Frostwood Interactive about his roots, inspirations for Rainswept, Forgotten Fields, and his next secret project.
    So I guess I'll give a quick intro, I am Yadu. I mean, we have met Armaan, and I've met before in the IGDC. With the help of a bunch of people, we run gamedev.in. And this whole thing is basically like a way of trying to figure out whether we can kind of archive histories of game designers and developers who kind of make up our industry. How can we preserve this for a future generation, at the same time, also help kind of up and coming developers and also, so yeah, so all these kind of this is kind of where we started, when we thought about doing this kind of a podcast kind of a thing. So it's primarily archival in nature. And then we thought it will be interesting for people to just catch up and also to talk about what they're doing, who they are, those kind of things. So that is where I am coming from, this is Arjun, Arjun?
    Arjun 1:26
    Yeah. Hey. So I think I joined GameDev(.in) very recently. So my role has been to basically set up these chats so far. Basically, we're trying to have these conversations with all the indie game devs in India, at least, you know, their journey, document their journey and stuff. But my role so far in the industry has been as a professional programmer. So I've been in industry for some time now. And I thought it's time you know, that. And I've been very, you know, closeted kind of individual. I don't, I'm very private kind of individual. I don't mix with people. So I thought it's time to, you know, go out and meet someone new, faces and stuff. So, and Armaan I actually met you in 2019. In IGDC. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you may remember me, and others lost souls, traveling through all the booths, you know, trying to check out stuff.
    Yadu Rajiv 2:20
    This guy's selling steam keys.
    Arjun 2:24
    That's what caught my eye like in the sea of commercial people. There's this one guy is selling steam keys ok, I had to check him out. So yeah, so I guess that's, that's us. Maybe Armaan, you can talk about yourself?
    Armaan 2:40
    Yeah. So I'm a game developer working solo under the name of Frostwood Interactive, and I've released two games so far. One was Rainswept in 2019. And the other one recently is Forgotten Fields. And yeah, I was an architect before that, but wasn't really interested in architecture. I guess we can go more in details later.
    Arjun 3:01
    Yeah, yeah.
    Armaan 3:02
    And yeah, so just a game developer, and I'm working on the third game

    • 44 min

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