3 hr 6 min

Gay Anthems For A New Generation 2023 Volume 2 Circuit & Anthems by Party Favorz

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As the wave of Gay Pride celebrations swells across the globe, Party Favorz is set to keep the rainbow connection alive and kicking with the release of Volume 2 of the 2023 Gay Anthems For A New Generation series.

This sequel compilation is brimming with reimagined gay anthems by industry legends such as Donna Summer, ABBA, Kylie Minogue (who, incidentally, is riding high with a chart-topping hit as we speak), Adele, Pet Shop Boys, Ultra Nate, Robyn, Cher, Madonna, Whitney Houston, and countless more beloved divas.

The roster of tracks in this collection doesn't warrant a detailed introduction — each song and artist holds a distinctive place in the heart of the LGBTQ+ community and has contributed significantly to its vibrant culture.

With resources permitting, Party Favorz has ambitious plans in the pipeline — a Gay Pride circuit and anthems set slated for launch next week. Creating these music sets can often run up a bill north of $100...



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As the wave of Gay Pride celebrations swells across the globe, Party Favorz is set to keep the rainbow connection alive and kicking with the release of Volume 2 of the 2023 Gay Anthems For A New Generation series.

This sequel compilation is brimming with reimagined gay anthems by industry legends such as Donna Summer, ABBA, Kylie Minogue (who, incidentally, is riding high with a chart-topping hit as we speak), Adele, Pet Shop Boys, Ultra Nate, Robyn, Cher, Madonna, Whitney Houston, and countless more beloved divas.

The roster of tracks in this collection doesn't warrant a detailed introduction — each song and artist holds a distinctive place in the heart of the LGBTQ+ community and has contributed significantly to its vibrant culture.

With resources permitting, Party Favorz has ambitious plans in the pipeline — a Gay Pride circuit and anthems set slated for launch next week. Creating these music sets can often run up a bill north of $100...

3 hr 6 min