2 min

Genesis • Chapter 1 Thank You God

    • Christianity

Thank You God.

In the beginning, You existed. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
You created the heavens. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
You created the earth. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
Your Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. Thank You God. Genesis 1:2
You said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Thank You God. Genesis 1:3
You separated the light from the darkness. Thank You God. Genesis 1:4
You called the light “day.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:5
You called the darkness “night.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:5
You separated the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth. Thank You God. Genesis 1:6
You called the space between the waters “sky.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:7
You called the dry ground “land.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:10
You called the waters “seas.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:10
You created plants. Thank You God. Genesis 1:11
You created the sun to govern the day. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You created the moon to govern the night. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You also made the stars. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You created fish. Thank You God. Genesis 1:21
You created birds. Thank You God. Genesis 1:21
You created animals. Thank You God. Genesis 1:25
You created human beings in Your image, to be like You. Thank You God. Genesis 1:26
You created humans male and female. Thank You God. Genesis 1:27
You looked over all You had made, and saw that it was very good. Thank You God. Genesis 1:31

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Thank You God.

In the beginning, You existed. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
You created the heavens. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
You created the earth. Thank You God. Genesis 1:1
Your Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. Thank You God. Genesis 1:2
You said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Thank You God. Genesis 1:3
You separated the light from the darkness. Thank You God. Genesis 1:4
You called the light “day.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:5
You called the darkness “night.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:5
You separated the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth. Thank You God. Genesis 1:6
You called the space between the waters “sky.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:7
You called the dry ground “land.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:10
You called the waters “seas.” Thank You God. Genesis 1:10
You created plants. Thank You God. Genesis 1:11
You created the sun to govern the day. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You created the moon to govern the night. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You also made the stars. Thank You God. Genesis 1:16
You created fish. Thank You God. Genesis 1:21
You created birds. Thank You God. Genesis 1:21
You created animals. Thank You God. Genesis 1:25
You created human beings in Your image, to be like You. Thank You God. Genesis 1:26
You created humans male and female. Thank You God. Genesis 1:27
You looked over all You had made, and saw that it was very good. Thank You God. Genesis 1:31

View more details at tygod.net.

2 min