Genre Grinder
Gabe Powers
Genre Grinder is a podcast devoted to the weirdest, most unique, and painfully specific film genres. Every month, your host, Gabe Powers, and a special guest will talk about movies that (hopefully) you’ve never heard of.
Excellent show
May 7
We need more podcasts that are genre centric and this is a better example of this done right.
Superb concept with an incredibly smart host!
Genre Grinder examines so many different/varying genres including ones you may never really thought about before. Gabe knows his stuff and always does A research all while recruiting some of the best guests out there. Subscribe now!
Genre Grinder is a podcast devoted to the weirdest, most unique, and painfully specific film genres. Every month, your host, Gabe Powers, and a special guest will talk about movies that (hopefully) you’ve never heard of.
- CreatorGabe Powers
- Years Active2019 - 2024
- Episodes69
- RatingExplicit
- Show Website