33 min

Getting An Apartment In Japan As A Foreigner Japanese With Friends

    • Language Learning

Today we had the pleasure of chatting with Corey Niedzwiecki of jumpstartabroad.co.jp, and he walked us through the peculiarities of renting an apartment in Japan – especially as a foreigner. Learn about some of the pitfalls to watch out for, a trick or two to get your contract approved, and how you can cut out the majority of the hassle with one simple phone call! Brought to you by Risu Press and Japan Switch.

Today we had the pleasure of chatting with Corey Niedzwiecki of jumpstartabroad.co.jp, and he walked us through the peculiarities of renting an apartment in Japan – especially as a foreigner. Learn about some of the pitfalls to watch out for, a trick or two to get your contract approved, and how you can cut out the majority of the hassle with one simple phone call! Brought to you by Risu Press and Japan Switch.

33 min