1 hr 14 min

Giulia Pline: Injury Recovery, Resilience, Continued Education Ohana Life Podcast

    • Fitness

 “We are so magical, we can’t be comprehended.”

In this episode I spoke with Giulia Pline who is a kind, gentle, sweet soul.  She is an excellent, patient teacher, with a large vocabulary of communicating with students.   She really encourages exploration and understanding of why and how we move.   She has the utmost compassion for living well and within a scope that makes sense for each individual.

She has so many credentials that it would take quite a while to list here, so I will let you read them on her website on the ‘About’ page.   Let’s just say, she loves to learn!

Giulia was so patient as we navigated a technical glitch as there was a snow storm while we recorded this, and I was losing connection!  Therefore there are some fuzzy parts in the second half.   I apologize in advance!

We spoke about……

How she got to a place in life of asking herself, “What am I doing for my greater good?”
Staying in our scope of practice.
Recovery and resiliency
Not giving up
The passion to empower people
Living with passion and purpose
The steps she goes through when approaching a client with an injury
Basic breathing mechanics
Some of the drivers for understanding pain
Her own journey of exploration, how she merged her studies and recovery to unlock her use of resistance bands.

We went over some of the modalities she studied including, FRC, DNS, PRI and ELDOA.  If you want to know what these stand for, it will be discussed in the episode.

Give it a listen, and do share what you found resonated the most





 “We are so magical, we can’t be comprehended.”

In this episode I spoke with Giulia Pline who is a kind, gentle, sweet soul.  She is an excellent, patient teacher, with a large vocabulary of communicating with students.   She really encourages exploration and understanding of why and how we move.   She has the utmost compassion for living well and within a scope that makes sense for each individual.

She has so many credentials that it would take quite a while to list here, so I will let you read them on her website on the ‘About’ page.   Let’s just say, she loves to learn!

Giulia was so patient as we navigated a technical glitch as there was a snow storm while we recorded this, and I was losing connection!  Therefore there are some fuzzy parts in the second half.   I apologize in advance!

We spoke about……

How she got to a place in life of asking herself, “What am I doing for my greater good?”
Staying in our scope of practice.
Recovery and resiliency
Not giving up
The passion to empower people
Living with passion and purpose
The steps she goes through when approaching a client with an injury
Basic breathing mechanics
Some of the drivers for understanding pain
Her own journey of exploration, how she merged her studies and recovery to unlock her use of resistance bands.

We went over some of the modalities she studied including, FRC, DNS, PRI and ELDOA.  If you want to know what these stand for, it will be discussed in the episode.

Give it a listen, and do share what you found resonated the most





1 hr 14 min