29 min

Go-Giver Leadership and Influence: Make a Significant Impact In Your Business Relationships, Solve Problems, And Provide Value To Make Lasting Change With Bob Burg Dominate Your Market

    • Marketing

Where does your focus aim? Is it for the customers, or is it on you? Most salespeople tend to focus on themselves rather than the people, which is a blunder. If you want people to like you and earn their trust, you must give them value and aim your focus on them rather than on yourself. Tune in Dominate Your Market Podcast as Bob Burg discuss the relevance of being a go-giver to attain a business. See how you will understand human nature and how you can influence others.


Business relationships with others require a lot of trusts, which is challenging. How can you get people to like you and earn their trust? Discover how relevant it is to focus on others and give them value.

Bob Burg, a Hall of Fame speaker and co-author of the International Bestseller The Go-Giver, recognizes that providing value to others, such as understanding what they need, fixing their problems, and assisting them in being joyful, is the way to success for your business. Now is the time to open your eyes and focus on individuals.


“A system is simply the process of predictably achieving a goal based on a logical and specific set of how-to principles.”
“Go-givers tend to sell at the much higher end of the price scale because we focus on selling at a high value, not a low price.”
“It is important that we temporarily suspend our self-interest. And that's the key. When we do that, now we can go in there and focus on the other person.”
“The essence of influence is to pull, as opposed to push.”
“Compliance will never take you where commitment can go.”


Personal development was at the heart of sales. And it was a matter of first constructing oneself on the inside. Understand that success can be seen on the outside, but it must first begin on the inside.
When you truly desire to assist them in resolving their problems and bringing them closer to happiness, they will feel good about you, and you will be much more likely to obtain the business.
One of the best ways to add value to someone when you first meet them is to let them talk about themselves.
Great influencers, salespeople, and leaders refrain from pushing their ideas or will on others. They aim to have people commit rather than comply, and they accomplish this through the pull.
A salesperson must always earn commitment rather than rely on any form of compliance, which is not sustainable.


3:58 – Bob Burg’s Background
6:23 – Writing Book About Go-Giver
8:59 – Go-Giver philosophy
11:56 – Human Nature
15:49 – Creating Influence
22:53 – Giving Too Much
26:43 – Does It Make Money
37:31 – Get in touch with Bob Burg


Bob Burg’s Website: https://burg.com/

Where does your focus aim? Is it for the customers, or is it on you? Most salespeople tend to focus on themselves rather than the people, which is a blunder. If you want people to like you and earn their trust, you must give them value and aim your focus on them rather than on yourself. Tune in Dominate Your Market Podcast as Bob Burg discuss the relevance of being a go-giver to attain a business. See how you will understand human nature and how you can influence others.


Business relationships with others require a lot of trusts, which is challenging. How can you get people to like you and earn their trust? Discover how relevant it is to focus on others and give them value.

Bob Burg, a Hall of Fame speaker and co-author of the International Bestseller The Go-Giver, recognizes that providing value to others, such as understanding what they need, fixing their problems, and assisting them in being joyful, is the way to success for your business. Now is the time to open your eyes and focus on individuals.


“A system is simply the process of predictably achieving a goal based on a logical and specific set of how-to principles.”
“Go-givers tend to sell at the much higher end of the price scale because we focus on selling at a high value, not a low price.”
“It is important that we temporarily suspend our self-interest. And that's the key. When we do that, now we can go in there and focus on the other person.”
“The essence of influence is to pull, as opposed to push.”
“Compliance will never take you where commitment can go.”


Personal development was at the heart of sales. And it was a matter of first constructing oneself on the inside. Understand that success can be seen on the outside, but it must first begin on the inside.
When you truly desire to assist them in resolving their problems and bringing them closer to happiness, they will feel good about you, and you will be much more likely to obtain the business.
One of the best ways to add value to someone when you first meet them is to let them talk about themselves.
Great influencers, salespeople, and leaders refrain from pushing their ideas or will on others. They aim to have people commit rather than comply, and they accomplish this through the pull.
A salesperson must always earn commitment rather than rely on any form of compliance, which is not sustainable.


3:58 – Bob Burg’s Background
6:23 – Writing Book About Go-Giver
8:59 – Go-Giver philosophy
11:56 – Human Nature
15:49 – Creating Influence
22:53 – Giving Too Much
26:43 – Does It Make Money
37:31 – Get in touch with Bob Burg


Bob Burg’s Website: https://burg.com/

29 min