314 episodes

How do I set and achieve goals? When is the best time to set goals? When should I set New Year's Resolutions?
How do I overcome limiting beliefs?

These may be questions you ask yourself. Goal Getting™ Podcast will help you get the goals you set. Tony Woodall s the author of 9 Steps to Successful Goal Achievement and this podcast will provide inspiration, motivation as well as strategy and tactics to help you achieve your goals.

Listen to experts talk about their successes and how they achieved their goals. Learn Tony's Goal Getting™ program with solid, easy to understand advice. Don't Just Set'em, Get'em!

Goal Getting™ Podcast Tony Woodall

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    • 5.0 • 64 Ratings

How do I set and achieve goals? When is the best time to set goals? When should I set New Year's Resolutions?
How do I overcome limiting beliefs?

These may be questions you ask yourself. Goal Getting™ Podcast will help you get the goals you set. Tony Woodall s the author of 9 Steps to Successful Goal Achievement and this podcast will provide inspiration, motivation as well as strategy and tactics to help you achieve your goals.

Listen to experts talk about their successes and how they achieved their goals. Learn Tony's Goal Getting™ program with solid, easy to understand advice. Don't Just Set'em, Get'em!

    Use this mantra to be the victor of life’s tests.

    Use this mantra to be the victor of life’s tests.

    Every test in life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us.
    The choice is ours whether we become Victim or Victor.
    - Tammy S. Ernst  
    Tammy Ernst sounds like she trained at the same martial arts school as me. This quote from Tammy is very similar to the "mantra" we stated at the beginning and end of each class in our dojo.
    Shiken haramitsu daikoumyo This sacred Buddhist mantra in Japanese is taught and used by all members of the Bujinkan Dojo. The meaning as explained by my Sensei when I started training was:
    "In every encounter or experience in life, we have the chance to gain total enlightenment. It's up to us to determine if those experiences are positive or negative."
    This phrase became my mantra for life. This is how I like to look at the experiences I have in life. I try to look at all of them as positive as I can.
    You can see how Tammy's quote is so similar.
    Every test in life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours whether we become Victim or Victor.
    We choose whether we will be better or bitter. We choose to let our experiences break us or make us. We choose to be the Victim or the Victor. It's a tough choice for some, easy for many. Unfortunately, most people choose to be the Victim. They choose to let the tough life experiences break them, they choose to be bitter.
    What do you choose? Are you a Victim or a Victor? Are you going to let life's experiences break you or make you. Will you choose bitterness or Betterness!
    Join me in choosing to be a Victor. Join me in letting life Make Us into what we want to be, Better!
    Go Out Today and Make The Right Choice  
    I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.
    Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!
    Get Your Free Audiobook Here
    If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at Goal Getting Podcast.com/Apple Podcasts
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    Make Today a Great Day!
    Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.
    You can connect with us on your favorite by going to GoalGettingPodcast.com / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram
    They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.
    Like our Facebook page
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    Podcast at @GoalsPodcast
    Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

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    • 4 min
    Creativity is Key - How to Master the Craft of Creativity with Bob Stromberg

    Creativity is Key - How to Master the Craft of Creativity with Bob Stromberg

     We were all made to create. That longing and ability are woven into our genes.
    ~ Bob Stromberg  

    3 Steps to Creativity G.I.T. GRAB anything that grabs you emotionally.
    Write, notate, record thoughts, ideas, expression, experience.
    INTERROGATE to find the truth.
    Why are you grabbing it? Why are you thinking of this? What causes it to effect you.
    TRANSFORM to something you can use.
    It's the Aha moment when you realize what you can use that idea for. Transform the thought, the idea into something you can use.
    Special Gift to Goal Getting Podcast Listeners Free Quiz - Are you as creative as Steve Martin?
    Free 30 Minute Training Video
    Discount for his Mastering the Craft of Creativity
    Bob Stromberg's Wide-Eyed Creative Podcast
    Bob Stromberg Comedy - Check out YouTube
    Bob's Bio Shows His Creativity For over thirty years Bob Stromberg has been delighting audiences of all ages with his perfect blend of stand-up, story and shtick. Always clean, his presentation is a disarming healthy blend of knee-slapping comedy and wholesome encouragement.
    Bob’s facilitates surprising laughter with an arsenal of gifts including physical comedy, a non-threatening touch of audience participation and yes…even hand shadows, which the London Metro described as “stunning”. Add to this hilarious and tender stories from his own experience and audiences leave amazed, refreshed and different than when they came.
    He has been a featured and favorite emcee for many large stadium and arena gatherings. He has written Finding the Magnificent in Lower Mundane, the award winning, beautifully illustrated family story The Miracle at Stinky Bay and the best selling Why Geese Fly Farther Than Eagles. He is known by many for his appearances on the awarding winning TV comedy Bananas.
    Comedic Creativity Perhaps most notably, he coauthored and starred in the mega-hit theatrical production Triple Espresso, ( A Highly Caffeinated Comedy). From it’s start in Minneapolis, Triple Espresso, described by the Los Angeles Times as “…a triple jolt of inspired craziness” grew to ten casts, has been seen by over two million people in sixty cities from Seattle to The West End of London and become the longest running stage production in the history of San Diego, Minneapolis and the entire state of Iowa. In his role, the Chicago Sun Times described Bob as “…a mesmerizing physical comedian.

    • 27 min
    Can Natural Healing Help Type-2 Diabetes?

    Can Natural Healing Help Type-2 Diabetes?

    Are you tired of taking all of those medicines like I am. Would you prefer to live a natural lifestyle that is healthy and happy?


    Natural Healing Doctor Phil Carson is a Pharmacist and a natural healing coach. Dr. Phil works with people to help guide them to a healthy and happy lifestyle. On today's show, Dr. Phil will share his story of following his dreams, working through failure and achieving his goals.
    Listen to great advice from Dr. Phil Carson. Check out his website, his book and his wisdom.
    Contact Dr. Phil Website: Carson Natural 
    Dr. Phil's Book: [amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0998474207]
    Quote That Hangs on My Wall: Choose to be happy.
    ~ Andy Andrews
    Dr. Phil's Recommended Book
    The Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews
    [amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0785273220]
    Dr. Phil's Words of Wisdom Never give up. Don't give up on yourself, on your dream. Don't give up hope.
    Social Media Links LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube Apple Podcast

    • 26 min
    Making Moms Healthy & Wealthy with Tatiana Amico

    Making Moms Healthy & Wealthy with Tatiana Amico

    "When you truly don't care what anyone thinks about you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom." ~ Tatiana Amico
    Helping Moms lead a happy, healthy and empowered life is what our guest Tatiana Amico lives for. She is one of the moms that does what it takes to live her own happy, healthy empowered life. Today's guest is Tatiana Amico.
    Listen to Tatiana today as she talks about how women can use goals to help them achieve their dreams and raise healthy, happy children. Tatiana is into wellness and shares success tips for moms and women to lead a healthy life.
    What Quote Hangs on Your Wall?
    [bctt tweet="When you truly don't care what anyone thinks about you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom. - Tatiana Amico" username="GoalsPodcast"]
    Favorite Book to Motivate and Inspire
    Jen Sincero - You are a Badass at Making Money
    [amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=0735222975]
    Best Advice I Could Give
    "Be really true to whatever it is that you truly desire. Really be true to that. Be OK with what it is that you want. Stop thinking of all the shoulds and no comparing to the highlight reels on social media."
    Or as I told her I like to say, "Stop Shoulding on yourself."
    Contacts for Tatiana Website Click Tatiana to Visit TatianaAmico.com Facebook - Tatiana Amico, Health Coach
    Thank you for joining us today on the show. Share Tatiana with your friends who are Moms or Women.

    • 29 min
    Spring Cleaning-Take Time To Pull The Weeds

    Spring Cleaning-Take Time To Pull The Weeds

    Spring Cleaning - I was reminded by a text yesterday about the need for Spring Cleaning. Yes, it's springtime and spring is a time in of renewal, rebirth, revitalizing. Spring Cleaning is almost a ritual at this time of year - as we often need to look at the things around us and think, "Do they still work in our gardens, our homes, and in our lives. The Spring is a great time to review our goals and if you made them, New Year's Resolutions. If you made New Year's Resolutions, most people have forgotten them already, or have given up on them by now. Have you? If you set goals for the first quarter, where are you? Are you almost complete? Are you still tracking them with your action plan? Maybe it's spring cleaning time in your life. Look at your life. What parts of your life, your garden of ideas and dreams, need some weeding? What closet in your mental house - your passions, need cleaning out? If you have plants, products, "Stuff" that doesn't make you better, move you forward, make you happy - maybe it's time to remove that from your place?
    As the person texting reminded me yesterday. Celebrate the spring. It's nature's way of starting over and seeing the brightness and beauty it brings. I'm grateful for my life and my ability to grow. Sometimes growth requires change. Cleaning out our closets and our minds helps to provide room for that growth. Take time this month to review what makes you happy, what makes you grow and what doesn't. Let go of that which holds you back. Grow!
    Have a Great Spring, my friends. Go out and make today a great day. Do have some cleaning to do? Do you need someone to help you review what you want to do with your life, where you want to be? Maybe you need someone to hold you accountable. I know I could have used that type of person as I started working on my Spring Cleaning.
    I offer coaching services for people that want to gain an advantage over the clutter of life and help you set your goals and keep you accountable as you strive to achieve those goals.
    Check out my Coaching Page at Goal Getting Podcast.com / Services to find a plan that works for you and let's start cleaning out the limiting beliefs and things that are holding you back from the beauty your garden can bring.
    Leave a comment in the Comments section of our Podcast page at GoalGettingPodcast.com / Spring Cleaning. Let us know what is holding you back and how we can help you start to bloom.

    • 4 min
    Tanner Gers - Not letting obstacles get in the way of your goals

    Tanner Gers - Not letting obstacles get in the way of your goals

    Tanner Gers
    I met Tanner online in one of the Facebook groups I frequent. Tanner, like me, is a motivational speaker and podcaster. I heard Tanner's story on several podcasts and I was impressed and inspired by Tanner's ability to overcome the obstacles put in front of him.
    After hearing Tanner's story, I wanted to interview him for Goal Getting Podcast so you could hear him, learn from him and understand that we don't have to let obstacles keep us from achieving our goals. I was attending a National Speaker's Association (@NSASpeaker ) Video Lab in Tempe, Arizona. I posted I was in Tempe on my Facebook page and Tanner, a Facebook friend, connected on Facebook and said he would love to meetup while I was in town, since he lived nearby. I met up with Tanner and his lovely wife for dinner and we went back to my hotel. We both had been wanting to speak to each other and interview each other on our podcasts. So, we did!.
    We met in the hotel lobby, with the music playing and other NSA members chatting in the background. Listen to Tanner's story on Goal Getting Podcast. How he quiets the inner voices. How giving forgiveness made his life better. How to use breathing to help make your life better. What Quote Hangs On Your Wall?
    [bctt tweet="Make plans like an adult, believe in them like a child. - Jim Rohn" username="GoalsPodcast"]
    "Doing is the new planning." - Joel Boggess (@JoelBoggess ) a friend and mentor to both Tanner and me.
    Tanner interviewed me on his Podcast. Here's an extra bonus. Click Here to listen to Tanner hear as well. About Tanner Gers Tanner is a keynote speaker, writer, and podcaster who is passionate about self-development, organizational development, and disability advocacy. To inquire about Tanner’s availability to speak at your event, on your podcast, or for media inquiries, please email his booking manager Keli here, or through the website here. Connect with Tanner: Tanner Gers Website Tanner on Twitter Recommended Book: Getting to No The Miracle, Six Steps to Enlightenment - Joe Vitale [amazon template=image&chan=goalgettingpodcast&asin=153689155X]

    • 34 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
64 Ratings

64 Ratings

ThomSinger ,

Tony know goals

Like the flow of this show. Goals are key to success and Tony has the show to get you goal focused

Gisele_Oliveira ,


Love this show really. Found it really helpful and motivating me. Love the tips and strategies on how to achieve goals in life. More power Tony. Keep it up.

CaraF13 ,

Perfect length, perfect Juice!

I find this Podcast very enjoyable due to Tony's friendly and energizing voice, the length, and the awesome tidbits that are delivered! Tony's enthusiasm behind having the gas to run your goal achieving engine is so felt and obvious! Thank you for reading the Dr. Seuss quote about climbing your mountain and today is your day. I truly appreciate you highlighting the importance of teaching kids early on how to be excited about their goals, know what they have to do and how to set the goals. Ready for more! InterviewvaletCF

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