43 min

Goliarda Sapienza, the outsider The Italian Files

    • Documentary

This week we consider the life and legacy of the long-forgotten and misunderstood queer feminist writer Goliarda Sapienza. Why do her novels speak to us so powerfully today, in Italy and abroad? Alberica Bazzoni, author of Writing for Freedom: Body, Identity and Power in Goliarda Sapienza’s Narrative, takes us through Sapienza’s radically transgressive work, in which life and art refuse to be separated.

This week we consider the life and legacy of the long-forgotten and misunderstood queer feminist writer Goliarda Sapienza. Why do her novels speak to us so powerfully today, in Italy and abroad? Alberica Bazzoni, author of Writing for Freedom: Body, Identity and Power in Goliarda Sapienza’s Narrative, takes us through Sapienza’s radically transgressive work, in which life and art refuse to be separated.

43 min