37 min

Granite State of Mind Secret Son

    • Personal Journals

When I asked New Hampshire-ite Greg Gentry how he was doing, he simply put down his musket, looked in the camera and said, "live free or die!"________________________________________________________________________________________________Listen in on our conversation as we take a deep dive into that tenuous thing called identity and how searching for family impacts it. Along the way, we touch on Nietzsche, Alfred North Whitehead and taking long drives when discussions at home get a littl...

When I asked New Hampshire-ite Greg Gentry how he was doing, he simply put down his musket, looked in the camera and said, "live free or die!"________________________________________________________________________________________________Listen in on our conversation as we take a deep dive into that tenuous thing called identity and how searching for family impacts it. Along the way, we touch on Nietzsche, Alfred North Whitehead and taking long drives when discussions at home get a littl...

37 min