55 episodes

Join us biweekly as we open up our collaborative conversations with each other. During these sessions, we'll discuss selling on Teachers Pay Teachers, marketing techniques, and ways to save time/stay sane!

Grow with Angie and April: A Podcast for Teacherpreneurs Angela Yorgey and April Smith

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 57 Ratings

Join us biweekly as we open up our collaborative conversations with each other. During these sessions, we'll discuss selling on Teachers Pay Teachers, marketing techniques, and ways to save time/stay sane!

    A Teacher Seller's Guide to Instagram Reels

    A Teacher Seller's Guide to Instagram Reels

    In this episode, Angie and April speak with Katie and Chynell from Routine Your Reels to help teacher sellers navigate how to use Instagram Reels in their marketing. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    We’re excited to have a couple guests on the podcast with us to dive into another one of those topics that push us out of our comfort zones—Instagram Reels. Chynell and Katie built the Routine Your Reels membership program. I was part of the beta group and am excited to share this resource with other TpTers.

    Katie Brockmeyer is a photographer and videographer for teacher sellers. Chynelle Moore is a marketing strategist and business coach for “teachers turned accidental entrepreneurs” at Routine Your Dream. The two met on Instagram and eventually created the membership program Routine Your Reels. As they were learning Reels, they knew they wanted to help make it easier for teacher sellers.

    The Basics of Instagram Reels

    Reels is the new kid on the Instagram block. Regular posts are the OG of Instagram and still work for engaging those in your audience that don’t enjoy video content. Stories are great for engaging and nurturing your existing followers. Reels have quickly become the new way of reaching new people on the platform and growing your audience.

    Unlike Instagram Video (formerly known as IGTV), Reels are designed to be super quick videos. The ideal length of a Reel is just 7-15 seconds. While they can be as long as 60 seconds, knowing the shorter ones perform bests is a great reason to remove some of the pressure from yourself by keeping it short.

    Katie and Chynell love them because you don’t have to dive into full production mode the way you do for YouTube videos. Instead, it’s short-form video marketing that is easy to produce.

    What Content Performs Best on Reels?

    You’re probably familiar with the dancing, finger-pointing type of Reel. While many of the Reels we see on the platform have more of an entertainment feel, they don’t have to be just for entertainment. You can also use them for marketing your products and building trust with your followers.

    Your Reels can be used to share your expertise on something. Or you can use it to share a quick tip or two on a problem your niche market faces. You can bust common misconceptions your niche audience has. It’s important to remember what information is helpful to your market. It doesn’t have to be dancing and pointing. You can also just turn on your camera and start talking.

    While you can use your Reels to showcase your products, Katie and Chynell have found the ones that perform best are the ones that show your face. Consumers don’t always want to see you marketing your products. Instead, they want to know who the person is behind the products. Showing your face on your Reels allows people to connect with you, so they’ll want to connect with your products. It helps build that trust factor.

    As a TpT seller, the goal is to reach the target market. Your goal isn’t to go viral and get two million views. So, it’s OK if you’re not going to do something crazy. Focus on who you’re trying to attract instead of worrying too much about what it takes to go viral.

    Can I Repurpose My TikTok or YouTube Videos?

    Yes and no. When Reels first came out, there were a lot of videos that even had the TikTok watermark on them, but things are changing. When it comes to your return on investment, you’re going to be better off creating videos specifically for Reels.

    The people who

    • 44 min
    Making the Switch to Full-Time TpT with Guest Chrissie Rissmiller

    Making the Switch to Full-Time TpT with Guest Chrissie Rissmiller

    In this episode, Angie and April are speaking with Chrissie Rissmiller from Undercover Classroom. She recently transitioned to become a full-time TpTer. Together, they’re answering the commonly asked questions TpTers have about the transition to going full time. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    We have been hearing from a lot of TpTers with questions about going full time. With the difficulty of the past two years and how teachers have been treated, it’s easy to see why. Previously we did a podcast episode for people thinking of making the transition, however, we were still new to being full time TpTers ourselves and were still figuring things out. We decided to do a new episode answering the commonly asked questions.

    Here to join us on the episode is Chrissie Rissmiller from Undercover Classroom. She has been full time in her TpT business for just over a year now. Between the three of us, we’re able to cover a wide range of experiences and are happy to share our experiences. We’re going to jump right into your questions.

    What made you decide to leave teaching and go full time with TpT?

    The answer is a little different for each of us:

    Chrissie hit a point where she was burned out between running a business and teaching. It wasn’t sustainable long-term. Her goal was to teach for 30 years, and she had become comfortable living on her teaching income and the additional income from her TpT store. In 2020, she created a digital resource and had an increase in her TpT income, but she was still teaching. Her blood pressure was high, and she began getting migraines.

    During remote learning, she and her husband (who is also a teacher) were teaching out of separate spaces at home while their own children were struggling on their own with virtual school in their rooms. She felt like a terrible mom and terrible person

    Over the summer of 2020, she learned about an opportunity that would allow her to take a leave from teaching while earning half her salary since she had children at home doing online learning. She took it from August to December and did some soul searching. In December, she retired at the age of 45 with almost 24 years in teaching.

    You can hear more of my and Angie’s stories in our previous podcast episode. But the quick recap is that Angie began having health issues. She was overwhelmed and struggled with feeling like she wasn’t good enough as a mom, wife, or teacher. Her migraines were out of control. All of this led to her making the transition to full-time TpT.

    I had gotten used to having the TpT income on top of my teaching salary and enjoyed it, but I found out I was pregnant with twins. The cost of daycare was basically my salary from teaching. In addition, we had a new principal who wasn’t supportive and ¾ of the staff ended up leaving. In January of that year, I let them know I wasn’t going to be coming back and ended up being able to go on maternity leave early. When the summer ended, I never went back.

    How many hours do you work on your TpT store?

    While we thought we would work more on our TpT stores that first year, we didn’t. We all found that during the first year, we didn’t work a crazy number of hours. I had my twins, which took up more of my time, and Angie and Chrissie both needed some time to recover from the overwhelm and physical toll teaching had taken on them.

    Now that Chrissie is into her second year, she works around 30-35 hours a week on her business. On average, she works about 5 hours a day. In 2021, she still experienced a 12% growth in sales, but it was the smallest she had experienced in her business.

    Angie and I have found that it usually takes 6 – 12 months of working on so

    • 1 hr 33 min
    Creating a YouTube Channel for TpT with Guest Susan Jones

    Creating a YouTube Channel for TpT with Guest Susan Jones

    In this episode, Angie and April are speaking with guest Susan Jones about how to leverage YouTube for your TpT business. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    We’re excited to dive into talking about YouTube because we’ve been committed to using it but coming up with excuses for years. We’ve always seen YouTuber teachers who were in the classroom during their videos. That was kind of discouraging to us since we’re no longer in the classroom. So, we’re excited to have Susan Jones as a podcast guest to help get us motivated and moving!

    Susan Jones started her YouTube channel, Susan Jones Teaching, in 2019 when she decided to start working on brand awareness. Social media wasn’t something that she enjoyed doing, and she wasn’t great at putting her face out there even though she had a successful TpT store.

    Much like us, she had kind of written off YouTube because most of the TpTers on the platform were in the classroom and she wanted to create videos where she could just sit down and talk about a topic. She started with one video a week called “Susan’s Sunday Spotlight”. Most of the videos were less than5 minutes and she shared a game that teachers could use in their classrooms. She is now posting twice a week, and her channel has grown to over 81,000 subscribers.

    The process of creating YouTube videos

    Before we jump into all of Susan’s tips, we want to share what her process looks like for video creation along with the time it takes her to complete.

    Her final edited videos are usually between 10-15 minutes. For each of the videos, she records between 30-45 minutes of herself talking. Since her videos are mainly her sitting and talking, she also records at least an hour or two of B roll footage. Examples of B roll might be a video of her taking a video or a resource being used that she can share on the YouTube video while she talks over it. This helps make her videos more exciting instead of her being a “talking head”.

    Susan likes to have an outline created for each video before she gets started. On average, she estimates it takes her about and 90 minutes to film a video and around five hours to edit each one.

    Susan’s YouTube Tips for TpTers

    Here are the tips Susan shares with TpTers interested in starting or growing a YouTube channel.

    1. Batch your work

    Susan uses her YouTube videos to focus on her main revenue streams. She focuses on one each week during the month and at the start of the month creates the 8-9 videos that will go out that month.

    She’s found it’s the only way to really get things done consistently when you have so many moving pieces to your business. Trying to find time to film and edit one new video every week would be a lot more time-consuming and stressful than dedicated time to it all at once.

    2. Hire someone to help

    Susan’s sister has worked in her business for years and now dedicates most of her time to editing her YouTube videos. She takes the video and does everything to get it ready to publish. Then, she schedules them ahead of time so she’s able to work at her own pace. They are almost always scheduled beforehand instead of waiting until the day they are supposed to go live.

    Her sister is the one who adds in the B roll film or extras to make the videos more engaging like a cha

    • 45 min
    Creating Preview Videos for TpT Resources

    Creating Preview Videos for TpT Resources

    In this episode, Angie and April are speaking with guest Chloe Tascoff about how to create and use preview videos for your TpT resources. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    We’re excited to have Chloe Tascoff on the podcast to talk about all things video previews. Along with creating her own TpT resources, she specializes in creating preview videos for her clients. She’s going to share some of her tips and tricks about how to make video creation faster and easier along with the best way to use the videos.

    Chloe got started creating video previews when a friend asked her to try filming a product for her. She played around with it and found she really enjoyed the process. Word started spreading and people started reaching out to her for help on their videos and things grew from there.

    What is the purpose of a preview video?

    PDF previews and photographs are helpful at showcasing your resources, but video previews help bring them to life. Chloe shared that consumers are 80% more likely to purchase a product when there is a video attached to it. When teachers are able to see your resources in action it gives them a better idea of what they’re actually receiving.

    A lot of our video previews end up being flipping through the pages of the resource or sharing pretty much the same information that’s already in the PDF preview. These types of videos can still be helpful, but there are so many additional ways to create a video preview.

    Chloe recommends if you’re creating a video preview for Pinterest that you keep it to 5-16 seconds long. On social media platforms, your main goal is to stop the scroll so you can get people to click through to your resource. However, for the videos you use on TpT, you have two minutes to use. It’s helpful to create longer videos for this purpose because the people looking at your resource are already there because they are interested in it. That means you can go more in-depth with what you explain and show.

    What to include in a preview video?

    Chloe recommends starting your video with overlay text asking a question that appeals to the problem they’re having. She shared the following example:

    Imagine you’ve created an organizational system to help small groups or centers run smoother. Your audience might be teachers struggling with spending too much time trying to put out fires while doing small group math. You could start with a question like: “Are you struggling with other students interrupting while you’re helping small groups?”

    Then in your video, you will show how the resource solves that problem for them. Show them the resource in action. This will look differently depending on the type of resource it is. You could flip through blank pages, fill out some of the pages beforehand, or complete the pages on video.

    If you are creating a video preview for an existing product with reviews make sure to include testimonials for social proof as well. At the end of the video include a call-to-action like “Invest in our bundle today to save your sanity!”

    What if you have a resource that isn’t exciting?

    If you have test prep resources or other resources that are heavy question and answer format, Chloe recommends keeping the video preview short. You can show how to fill out the worksheet by only doing one or two pages. She also recommends showing the answer key so teachers know it’s included, but you can keep the video short.

    What about talking over screen recordings?

    Screen recordings are a great way to show how your digital resources work, however, Chloe recommends using text overlays i

    • 36 min
    Reflecting on 2021 and TpT Goal Setting for 2022

    Reflecting on 2021 and TpT Goal Setting for 2022

    In this episode, Angie and April are reflecting on 2021 and setting goals for 2022. They’re going to dive into the things they want to do more and what surprising thing they’re letting go of in the new year. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    This year was a blur! It flew by. We felt like last year was one of the longest years of our lives and we’re thankful that this year was different. However, that also meant things were different in our TpT store and businesses as well. We’re sharing what business looked like in 2021 and what we’re planning for 2022.

    Reflecting on 2021 in our TpT business

    I don’t usually set specific monetary goals for my TpT store. I typically see a 20-30% increase in sales from year to year but because of how unique 2020 was, I really just wanted to hit the same earnings from last year.

    Both April and I created a lot of new resources when everything went digital in March 2020. Teachers needed those resources. That ended up really helping with sales so we were worried that we wouldn’t be able to beat those numbers this year.

    It made it really difficult to compare product to product from last year to this year, but overall, April had a 35% increase and I had a 50% increase from last year. There are a few things we attribute this to.

    Hiring help

    April and I have both hired people that are helping us in our TpT stores. From 2019 to this year, I experienced an 80% increase. I was doing everything on my own in 2019. April had a similar experience. From the same time period, she had a 70% increase in her business. She has added over 200 products to her store since the beginning of the pandemic and was able to do so because she has people working in her business with her.

    Having help in my business allows me to focus on the things that are in my zone. I’m slow at creating new products. When I was still teaching and running my TpT store, I had to make time to do it but now that I can hire someone else to, it makes the process easier and faster. It allows me to focus on other areas and planning while hiring someone else to help implement my ideas and strategy.

    This isn’t something we were able to do right away but this also allowed us to gain experience and knowledge on what sells in our stores. If we were just started out from scratch and hired help, we wouldn’t be as successful because we wouldn’t know the strategy or have the templates we’ve created over the years.

    There’s only so much you’re able to do yourself and having people on your team helps.

    Including more with products

    We have learned over the years that sales increase when you include additional pieces with resources. When I first started my store, I would create a resource and that would be all the teachers would get when they bought it. Since then, we’ve learned that it helps to include things like teacher manuals, printables, and suggestions on how they can use the resource in their classroom. This makes life easier for them which increases our sales.

    If you’re just starting out or not already doing this in your TpT store, this is a great place to start in growing your business.

    Consistent marketing

    I largely credit my increase in sales with my effort to market my products consistently. I started having weekly blog posts, regular social media posts and engaging my email list regularly. Years ago I thought I was doing good without blogging so didn’t think it was important, but I started to wonder if I was doing good without blogging, what could I do in sales if I was blogging.

    If you can identify what products are popular and use that information in your m

    • 51 min
    Running Promotions for Your TpT Store

    Running Promotions for Your TpT Store

    In this episode, Angie and April are talking about the secret weapon for sales – promotions. They like to shake things up with their promos so they’re covering a lot of different options in this episode. Join in on the conversation in the mastermind group at www.growwithusmastermind.com.

    It’s always nice to chat with others about what they’re doing in the TpT world, so we have a special guest today, Ciera Harris of Ciera Harris Teaching (formerly known as Adventures of Room 129). She has been on TpT for 10 years and specializes in creating reading comprehension resources for grades 2-4.

    Together, we’re going to answer some of the commonly asked questions about running promotions.

    How often should you run sales and promotions?

    The more you have a promotion, the more people will start to expect it and wait for you to have it. Ciera tries to do one huge promotion each quarter outside of TpT sales. In addition to those, she’ll do little promotions and sales but they aren’t planned out the way the larger ones are that happen each quarter.

    I don’t run big promotions in my store, but we try to have some kind of promotion going each week. This could be a free resource or a 24-hour quick sale on a resource for a related bundle. We’ve also found that presales work well. We give people a ridiculous sale price if they buy the resource before we create it. We like to do those once a quarter because they are really successful and pay for the creation of the resource.

    Running promotions and sales on your website store vs TpT

    Ciera also offers a higher discount on her website store compared to the price on TpT. This gives customers the options to save more (and she earns more because she doesn’t lose the 20% as a premium seller) by purchasing directly through her site. This doesn’t go against TpT restrictions because the resources are priced the same, it’s just the coupon code that’s different.

    It’s important to know your audience. Some people are only comfortable buying resources on TpT, whereas there are others who don’t care where they buy it from. Encouraging them to buy from your website store has the added benefit of being able to access your money right away in addition to avoiding the commission.

    Your followers and customers who have already supported your business and buy into your philosophy will likely know that you’re able to do a little better from the sales on your website so they won’t mind buying there. And if you give them a larger discount there as opposed to TpT, it’s even more incentive. People usually like this option and are happy about having it.

    How do you decide which resources to promote?

    For Ciera, this is a cross between looking at yearly data and what resources are coming out. At the end of the year she does a big planning session where she tries to plan out all the big promotions. When looking at the upcoming year and the data of the biggest sellers and when they sell along with the new resource completion dates, she can create a mix of old and new resource promotions.

    It can be easy when you’re focused on new resources to forget about promoting the old resources, but looking at the data is important. Look at what sells well at certain times of the year, what resources are coming out, and how you can best present it to your customers in a way that makes them want to buy it at that time.

    It all comes down to planning. You can’t throw together a big promotion in two days. If you know months ahead of time, then you can build a stronger promotion for new products. Products you already have are a little easier to plan promotions for. However, from my

    • 36 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
57 Ratings

57 Ratings

Jen9154 ,

Best podcast for TPT sellers

I love this podcast because April and Angie share helpful tips and ideas!

alexisaustin ,

Great info

Angie and April always share great info and they aren't trying to sell you anything so it feels authentic and honest. Highly recommended to all TPT sellers!

Shannanigans1 ,

Great ideas for all Teacherprenuers

Love listening to all the great strategies for my TpT business. They inspire me!

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