1 hr 15 min

Growing Pains Fine Ass Moms Club ♡

    • Personal Journals

First and foremost let us just remind you that your past does not define you. PERIOD. We all walked different paths, some smooth, some rocky. But guess what? You got through it and that's all that matters! It's not about the BS you've been through but how it made you into the strong, badass, independent women you are today! We all have a story.... here's ours...

First and foremost let us just remind you that your past does not define you. PERIOD. We all walked different paths, some smooth, some rocky. But guess what? You got through it and that's all that matters! It's not about the BS you've been through but how it made you into the strong, badass, independent women you are today! We all have a story.... here's ours...

1 hr 15 min