32 min

GROWN-ASS WOMEN'S CONVERSATIONS #2 Grown-Ass Women's Conversations

    • Personal Journals

In this episode, we ask each other and our listeners: When do you feel seen, witnessed? Was/is there a time or situation in which you do not feel seen or heard? And what is the impact of not feeling seen over a long period of time? 
We'd love to hear listeners' responses and questions, so if you want to communicate with us, write to writefullyyoursperformance@gmail.com or info@lilithinstitute.com. 

In this episode, we ask each other and our listeners: When do you feel seen, witnessed? Was/is there a time or situation in which you do not feel seen or heard? And what is the impact of not feeling seen over a long period of time? 
We'd love to hear listeners' responses and questions, so if you want to communicate with us, write to writefullyyoursperformance@gmail.com or info@lilithinstitute.com. 

32 min