17 episodes

HAIRPOD™ is where everyday people like you and me get real about hair loss and how to navigate life while getting their hair back! Hosted by Kevin Ralston, HAIRPOD™ uses vivid storytelling narratives to share true, authentic experiences to inspire, give hope, and break the stigma of hair loss!

HAIRPOD™ is more than just a podcast. It's a community and a movement where we celebrate diverse hair journeys. You will hear stories from kids, moms, dads, NASCAR champions, social media influencers, beauty pageant winners, high schoolers, and those who once hid their balding under a hat. Many of us are impacted by hair loss. Whether directly or indirectly, we are all impacted. Maybe you're seeing thinning and more hair on the bathroom floor, you've experienced hair loss due to heredity, or you have a family member who has; we all can relate.

Each weekly episode is designed to give you hope as we dive into the hair transformation stories of people like you! Subscribe today and share it with someone else you know who could benefit from it. Let's have some open, honest conversations about hair loss, give you hope for your hair transformation, and break the stigma once and for all.

HAIRPOD‪™‬ HairClub

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HAIRPOD™ is where everyday people like you and me get real about hair loss and how to navigate life while getting their hair back! Hosted by Kevin Ralston, HAIRPOD™ uses vivid storytelling narratives to share true, authentic experiences to inspire, give hope, and break the stigma of hair loss!

HAIRPOD™ is more than just a podcast. It's a community and a movement where we celebrate diverse hair journeys. You will hear stories from kids, moms, dads, NASCAR champions, social media influencers, beauty pageant winners, high schoolers, and those who once hid their balding under a hat. Many of us are impacted by hair loss. Whether directly or indirectly, we are all impacted. Maybe you're seeing thinning and more hair on the bathroom floor, you've experienced hair loss due to heredity, or you have a family member who has; we all can relate.

Each weekly episode is designed to give you hope as we dive into the hair transformation stories of people like you! Subscribe today and share it with someone else you know who could benefit from it. Let's have some open, honest conversations about hair loss, give you hope for your hair transformation, and break the stigma once and for all.

    Kevin Rolston | My Hair Loss Treatment Journey

    Kevin Rolston | My Hair Loss Treatment Journey

    Experiencing hair loss at a young age, or any age, can be challenging; there are a lot of options out there, and finding the right solution often requires time and guidance. In this episode of HairClub, our host, Kevin Rolston, shares his experience with hair loss solutions. 
    The Shock of Balding and the Hunt for the Best Hair Regrowth Treatment
    Like many of us, Kevin's hair loss was not just a physical change but also an emotional journey. It was a part of his family history, and he had always dreaded the day his hair would start to thin. So when he began balding at 26, it was not a shock, but it was still a challenge. Kevin took immediate action, trying over-the-counter topical solutions without much luck. In the early years of his hair loss, Kevin received some guidance and began taking Finasteride. The medication successfully slowed his hair loss for a time. As the years passed, Kevin noticed increased hair loss and began seeking new methods. It is important to keep in mind, that just because something works for a time, this does not mean it will work forever. The good news is there are many different options for all stages of hair loss. 
    Searching for Hair Loss Solutions - Laser Caps and Hair Transplants
    Determined to have a full head of hair, Kevin tried laser hair therapy. He found it to be convenient and accessible. However, Kevin’s hair loss became more significant as he aged; he wanted a permanent solution. At this point, he decided to undergo a hair transplant procedure. He shares what this experience was like and some of the key things to look into when considering a transplant. Kevin was very satisfied with the results of his procedure for many years, but his journey wasn't over yet. His hair was still thinning, and Kevin decided to try another hair solution instead of continuing to pursue transplants.
    Not Sure Where To Go - Find A Hair Specialist! 
    Kevin eventually found a solution that worked for him-a hair system that gave him a full head of natural hair. He was ecstatic; he felt young and confident again. Kevin recommends seeking the guidance of a hair specialist so that you can discover the solution that will work for your hair, your lifestyle, and your budget. It’s important to know all of your options. We hope Kevin’s experience will shed some light on your own - keep your chin up; the right solution is out there, and there are many different options to explore! 
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 12 min
    Claire Fullam | Hair Loss and Mental Health

    Claire Fullam | Hair Loss and Mental Health

    Hair loss can have a significant impact on mental health, but unfortunately, this is often not given the attention it deserves. To complicate matters, mental health issues such as stress can even be the trigger for conditions related to hair loss. In this episode of HairPod, we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month by discussing the connection between mental health and hair loss with guest Claire Fullam, a trichologist from Dublin. Claire shares her story of living with alopecia, her struggles with addiction, and her journey to recovery. We hope her story provides inspiration and insight for those experiencing the emotional impact of hair loss. 
    Claire’s Story - Alopecia and the Birth of Claire Balding
    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause rapid hair loss. It can be triggered by stress and can vary in intensity. Claire was hit hard and fast, losing most of her hair in less than two months. She tried all avenues and specialists, seeking a solution and explanation.  During this initial phase of her hair loss journey, Claire also launched her social media persona, “Claire Balding,” to share her story and empower others, while at the same time creating her own network of support. 
    It's Not Just Hair - Hair Loss, Trauma and the Path to Addiction
    Claire's hair loss was not only a result of the stress she was experiencing but also a contributor to it! Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can be challenging to manage because of the vicious nature of the stress cycle. Struggling with the pressures of motherhood, life, and her newly discovered alopecia, Claire found herself slipping into substance abuse. She shares her story and transformation, highlighting the need for support and community. 
    Prioritizing Mental Health While Seeking Hair Loss Solutions
    Claire brings to light the emotional impact hair loss can have on the individual experiencing it. The pain of hair loss is difficult to understand for those who haven’t been there, but is a very real problem. Our hair is tied to identity, health, and security. The trauma of hair loss is real, and sometimes this only becomes apparent in hindsight. It is important to seek emotional support along the way. Claire shares how hearing others' stories has helped her and inspired her to share her experience with alopecia and addiction. 
    Follow Claire on Instagram
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 17 min
    Joey Logano | Do Something About Your Hair Loss

    Joey Logano | Do Something About Your Hair Loss

    For this episode, we’re bringing back one from the vault. Kevin Rolston and Joey discuss Joey's journey with alopecia, an auto-immune disorder that results in hair loss—Discover Joey's initial reaction to alopecia and how he found his ideal hair solution.
    Alopecia: It’s Not a Botched Haircut!
    After a regular trip to the barber, Joey’s wife noticed some patchiness in the hair on the back of his head. Over time, the lack of new hair growth in these areas became evident. A consultation with his dermatologist confirmed alopecia. Defined as an auto-immune disorder, the root cause of alopecia remains a mystery, though stress and genetics are speculated to be potential triggers.
    Testing the Hair System, NASCAR-Style
    Being a two-time NASCAR champion, a husband, and a father, Joey Logano leads a fast-paced life. He needed a hair solution as dynamic as him—and he found the perfect fit. Temperatures inside a stock car can be up to 30 degrees hotter than the outside air. Joey was pleasantly surprised when his hair system withstood the internal car heat AND his racing helmet. It didn’t budge!
    Nervous About Trying a Hair System?
    For those folks considering making that step to seek out a solution, Joey's advice is straightforward: Dive in. If you’re worried about the judgment of others, remember that the people who care about you will support you in improving your self-image and life!
    Book a free consultation!
    Follow Joey on Instagram @joeylogano
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music comes from SoundStripe.

    • 20 min
    HairClub | How Moms Help Us Deal With Hair Loss

    HairClub | How Moms Help Us Deal With Hair Loss

    Hair loss affects us all differently, but for many, it can be an isolating experience. In this special episode of HairPod, we look at how moms have been impacted by hair loss, whether they are experiencing it personally or seeing how it affects their kids. From our team here at HairPod, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of the moms out there!
    Trichotillomania - Getting Your Child the Help They Need
                Trichotillomania can go undiagnosed in children for years, just like it did in our first guest’s story. Heather Brooke is a behavioral therapist, beauty pageant winner, and model, and she shared how her grandmother and mother noticed her hair loss despite her attempts to keep it a secret. Her mother took quick action to help her get the care and treatment she needed, which led to her regrowing her hair before her school photos in her senior year of high school.
    Amniotic Band Syndrome - It’s Okay to Be Different
                When Abby shared her story about her hair journey, she told us about her amniotic band syndrome, which caused scarring on her scalp. Due to the scarring, Abby has been on her hair journey since she was a newborn. Thanks to the quick action taken by her mom, Abby never had to go to school without hair. Abby told us how challenging the experience was for her and how hard it also hit her mother. She came on the show to help parents see that even if their child experiences hair loss, they can still grow up happy and healthy.
    Motherhood and Postpartum Hair Loss
    Jessica-Marie Laurent is a mother and a hair replacement expert. She knew she could experience postpartum hair loss after she had her baby, but the emotions of it still hit hard. After a period of denial, she sought solutions to help get her on the path to regrowth. Many women don’t know that there are things they can do to mitigate and reverse postpartum hair loss. We hope Jessica’s story can help inspire them to seek the help they need!
    Episode 002 with Heather Brooke
    Episode 004 with Jessica-Marie Laurent
    Episode 006 with Abby Jensen
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Where Is My Hair? - a children’s book about trichotillomania by Heather Brooke
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 15 min
    Debra Heim | Self-Esteem After Hair Loss

    Debra Heim | Self-Esteem After Hair Loss

    If you’re on your hair loss journey and you’re ready to make a change, this is your sign to seek the solution that works for you. In this episode of HairPod, our host Kevin Rolston sits down with Debra Heim, host of the Alternative Hair Alchemist podcast and owner of her own wig boutique. But Debra isn’t just a professional in the hair replacement industry – she has experienced hair loss herself. Listen in to hear her story of finding her self-esteem and encouraging others to find theirs as well.
    Debra’s Hair Loss Journey
    In nursing school, Debra experienced a lot of stress, and her naturally-thin hair began to fall. Later, she received a diagnosis of alopecia areata. She tried to keep things covered, but it was always stressful and uncomfortable for her. She began experimenting with wigs when she went through chemotherapy years later. She loved the alternative hair, but her family members shamed her out of using it.
    Dealing With Stress
    Stress set off Debra’s hair loss. She had to figure out how to beat stress in order to experience regrowth. She quit her stressful nursing job and left an abusive relationship, which helped her recover some of her natural hair. Using a form of hair replacement helped her find her confidence, which also lifted a lot of stress.
    Finding Your Solution and Self-Esteem
    Many people start with cost-effective wigs, but soon discover that it’s worth it to work with a professional to find a solution meant to be worn every day. As a professional, it’s important to work with clients to help them figure out what they’re really looking for – for many clients, the answer they’re looking for might not be what they expect.
    Work With a Professional
    When starting your journey, it’s worth working with a professional to help determine what type of hair replacement is right for you. Professionals can also teach how to care for your wig or hairpiece properly. If they can’t help you, it might be time to find someone else to work with!
    Check out Debra’s podcast, Alternative Hair Alchemist
    Schedule a free consultation with HairClub! 
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 23 min
    Kate Holohan | What is Trichology?

    Kate Holohan | What is Trichology?

    If this is your first time hearing about trichology, you’re not alone. On this episode of HairPod, our host Kevin Rolston speaks with trichologist, hair stylist, and educator Kate Holohan on the subject of trichology. They discuss the causes of scalp and hair disorders, treatment trends, and simple, everyday actions you can start taking today to improve the health of your hair.
    What is Trichology? 
    Trichology, derived from the Greek word "Trikhos", which means hair, encompasses the study and treatment of various conditions and concerns affecting the hair and scalp. As specialists, trichologists devote themselves to understanding the complexities of these issues, offering tailored solutions and guidance to individuals seeking to rejuvenate and maintain optimal hair health. With their expertise and passion for empowering clients, trichologists play a vital role in promoting confidence and well-being through personalized care and innovative treatments.
    Kate's journey into trichology began in 2019, despite her extensive experience as a hairdresser spanning two decades. This newfound interest sparked a passion for understanding the intricacies of hair and scalp health, driving her to explore the field further. Interestingly, while prior experience as a hairdresser isn't a prerequisite for pursuing a career in trichology, many individuals from the hairstyling industry, like Kate, are drawn to its fascinating realm. Their familiarity with haircare and client interactions provides a solid foundation for delving into the scientific aspects of trichology.
    Hairdressers often find themselves fielding questions about hair and scalp health from clients seeking advice. While they can recommend cosmetic products and offer basic tips for maintenance, their expertise is limited when it comes to diagnosing and treating underlying issues. This is where the specialized knowledge of trichologists becomes invaluable.
    By bridging the gap between cosmetic solutions and medical expertise, trichologists play a vital role in helping individuals achieve optimal hair and scalp health. Their comprehensive understanding of hair biology, coupled with advanced diagnostic tools and treatment modalities, allows them to address a myriad of concerns effectively.
    In essence, trichology offers a holistic approach to haircare, blending scientific insights with practical solutions to empower individuals to overcome hair and scalp challenges. Whether it's addressing hair loss, scalp conditions, or promoting overall hair health, trichologists are dedicated to providing personalized care and support to each client they serve.
    Causes of Hair and Scalp Disorders
    Trichology unveils a fascinating insight into hair health, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of hair issues. While stress or depression can act as catalysts, triggering or exacerbating these concerns, trichology reveals that the root causes often extend beyond surface-level explanations.
    Delving into the realm of trichology unveils factors contributing to hair woes, from autoimmune disorders to nutritional imbalances and beyond. This holistic perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being, urging individuals to embark on a journey towards optimal hair health.
    Intriguingly, trichology challenges conventional notions by unraveling the influences shaping hair conditions. By embracing this multidimensional approach, individuals can unlock new insights and strategies to nurture their hair and scalp, creating a vibrant and resilient mane.
    Easy Ways to Treat Scalp Issues
    Scalp issues can be bothersome, but incorporating simple habits into your routine can make a significant difference. Instead of attempting drastic lifestyle changes all at once, focus on small, sustainable adjustments that you can maintain over time. 
    One easy yet effective practice is staying hydrated. Proper hydration supports numerous bodily functions, including hair growth.

    • 27 min

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lil baby pp ,

Powerful stories

I never realized how the stigma around hair loss could make so many people feel alone. I’m glad people are talking about it and normalizing it!

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