46 min

Heather Dominick Helps Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Create Business Miracles Women Killing It!

    • Careers

Heather Dominick is the founder of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Movement and creator of A Course in Business Miracles. 20% of the population are "highly sensitive," but most don't know it. Heather helps highly sensitive people learn how to use their abilities to support them in being purposeful, profitable and empowered as an entrepreneur rather than scattered, poor and undervalued. Stay tuned at the end of the episode for tips on building leadership skills from Alli Young, CEO of The Forem.

Heather Dominick is the founder of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Movement and creator of A Course in Business Miracles. 20% of the population are "highly sensitive," but most don't know it. Heather helps highly sensitive people learn how to use their abilities to support them in being purposeful, profitable and empowered as an entrepreneur rather than scattered, poor and undervalued. Stay tuned at the end of the episode for tips on building leadership skills from Alli Young, CEO of The Forem.

46 min