31 min

Heather Robinson & Mary Gooden Shine Your Soul Light

    • Spirituality

#1 International Best Selling Author Heather Robinson shines her soul light.

Heather Robinson is the Divine Mother Mentor. She's a Guide for Conscious Reparenting, Inner Child and Mother Wound Healing and Best-Selling Author. Heather guides women and mothers who are on a path of self discovery to evolve beyond the BS family patterns and cycles holding them back from their goals. She harnesses the mother archetype and divine mother to teach people how to re-parent themselves. This allows them to take their power back, reclaim their fierceness, become wildly confident and anchored in their truth, and provide themselves with the unconditional love they’ve always desired.

Connect with Heather: www.iamhor.com


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mary-gooden/support

#1 International Best Selling Author Heather Robinson shines her soul light.

Heather Robinson is the Divine Mother Mentor. She's a Guide for Conscious Reparenting, Inner Child and Mother Wound Healing and Best-Selling Author. Heather guides women and mothers who are on a path of self discovery to evolve beyond the BS family patterns and cycles holding them back from their goals. She harnesses the mother archetype and divine mother to teach people how to re-parent themselves. This allows them to take their power back, reclaim their fierceness, become wildly confident and anchored in their truth, and provide themselves with the unconditional love they’ve always desired.

Connect with Heather: www.iamhor.com


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mary-gooden/support

31 min