Henri Nouwen, Now & Then Podcast | Kerry A. Robinson, A Radical Disposition of Other-Centeredness

In this episode of "Henri Nouwen, Now & Then," Kerry Robinson, executive partner for the Catholic Leadership Roundtable, shares Pope Francis’ challenge to work for peace and justice worldwide, and invites us to a radical disposition of other-centeredness. * EPISODE PAGE: https://henrinouwen.org/now-then-kerry-robinson/ * TO WATCH FEATURE LENGTH DOCUMENTARY "Journey of the Heart: The Life of Henri Nouwen": www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U8M1gx5Rk4&t=1808s * LISTEN on iTUNES: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/henr…?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 * LISTEN on SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/episode/4AfAnO1Mqu5Yal2Idix5ii * WATCH the PODCAST on YOUTUBE: youtu.be/1rEqHnkVxXc * TO SIGN-UP FOR FREE DAILY E-MEDITATIONS: henrinouwen.org/resources/daily-meditation/ * FOR HENRI NOUWEN SOCIETY CAREGIVING RESOURCES: henrinouwen.org/resources/caregiv…caregiving-books/ * MORE FREE RESOURCES: www.henrinouwen.org * READ HENRI NOUWEN: henrinouwen.org/read-nouwen/
- Show
- PublishedJanuary 21, 2022 at 4:48 PM UTC
- Length33 min
- RatingClean