53 min

Henry Grossman on Behind the Scenes with Legendary Achievers Intersections Podcast

    • Mental Health

Listen to Henry Grossman, one of the most acclaimed photographers in America, in conversation with Prof. Hitendra Wadhwa, exclusively on Intersections. Henry Grossman has interacted at close hand with - and captured beautifully, for posterity - some of the living legends of our time, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, Nelson Mandela, and an array of prominent artists and actors. He also formed a close bond with The Beatles and photographed them extensively between 1964 and 1968. Discover what character do public figures - like Presidents, renowned opera singers and Hollywood celebrities - reveal in their private moments and how we can accelerate trust and connection-building with people we are drawn to getting close to - especially if they are busy public figures.
This episode is best viewed as a webcast.

Listen to Henry Grossman, one of the most acclaimed photographers in America, in conversation with Prof. Hitendra Wadhwa, exclusively on Intersections. Henry Grossman has interacted at close hand with - and captured beautifully, for posterity - some of the living legends of our time, including Eleanor Roosevelt, Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, Nelson Mandela, and an array of prominent artists and actors. He also formed a close bond with The Beatles and photographed them extensively between 1964 and 1968. Discover what character do public figures - like Presidents, renowned opera singers and Hollywood celebrities - reveal in their private moments and how we can accelerate trust and connection-building with people we are drawn to getting close to - especially if they are busy public figures.
This episode is best viewed as a webcast.

53 min