32 min

Hidden Addiction Messages of the Orchard Church

    • Christianity

There is a shadowy closet that most of us have in our lives. Few know about this closet, because we would feel shame if people discovered it in our lives. Perhaps it is gambling, or compulsive shopping, or pornography, or procrastination, or over-eating, or gaming, or endless social-media. We can't or don't want to stop, and we keep doing it over and over.

These are called behavioral addictions, and though they may not feel as destructive as drug or alcohol addictions, they fill us with stress and do spiritual damage. The good news is that as a Christian, we have power to overcome these cycles of addiction.

Message Summary: [Click]

There is a shadowy closet that most of us have in our lives. Few know about this closet, because we would feel shame if people discovered it in our lives. Perhaps it is gambling, or compulsive shopping, or pornography, or procrastination, or over-eating, or gaming, or endless social-media. We can't or don't want to stop, and we keep doing it over and over.

These are called behavioral addictions, and though they may not feel as destructive as drug or alcohol addictions, they fill us with stress and do spiritual damage. The good news is that as a Christian, we have power to overcome these cycles of addiction.

Message Summary: [Click]

32 min