68 episodes

V.E.S.T. Your Virtual Event Sales Team founder and High Profit Event Show podcast host, Rudy Rodriguez has started podcasting this year and has started out on guest podcasts since 2021 himself.

Our 20 to 30-min podcast discusses real smart strategies for hosting or leading highly profitable events TODAY.
Our audiences are ready for their next phase of massive growth!

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High Profit Event Show Rudy Rodriguez

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 7 Ratings

V.E.S.T. Your Virtual Event Sales Team founder and High Profit Event Show podcast host, Rudy Rodriguez has started podcasting this year and has started out on guest podcasts since 2021 himself.

Our 20 to 30-min podcast discusses real smart strategies for hosting or leading highly profitable events TODAY.
Our audiences are ready for their next phase of massive growth!

Yes. We are looking for podcast guests, and we want to share your story!

    68 - Leveraging AI for leading your Event with Joshua Pellicer

    68 - Leveraging AI for leading your Event with Joshua Pellicer

    Welcome to another exciting episode of The High Profit Event Show, hosted by Rudy Rodriguez. This week, we have guest Joshua Pellicer, founder of RealTime AI. Joshua has been in the event industry for over 20 years, building a business that reached $10 million in revenue within just 12 months. He is a best-selling author and currently runs a company that trains teams on how to utilize AI to automate processes, freeing up time for high-leverage activities.
    In this episode, Rudy and Joshua dive into the power of AI in event management. Joshua shares his experience in the industry, highlighting how AI can streamline operations, enhance attendee engagement, and ultimately boost profitability. From filling event seats to creating event experiences, Joshua's insights provide a guide for event leaders looking to integrate advanced technology into their strategies.
    One of the key topics discussed is the dual approach to event promotion. Joshua explains the benefits of leveraging speakers to do the heavy lifting in terms of promotion versus taking on the promotional responsibilities yourself. He shares valuable tips on incentivizing speakers effectively, avoiding the pitfalls of "pitch fest" events, and ensuring that the right audience attends your events. This segment is filled with practical advice for anyone looking to maximize their event attendance and engagement.

    Another major focus of the conversation is the post-event follow-up strategy. Joshua shares the importance of providing ongoing value to attendees after the event. He discusses the role of high-quality follow-up content, such as video clips from the event, additional training sessions, and personalized communication, in maintaining attendee interest and nurturing long-term relationships. His approach to follow-up ensures that the event's impact extends beyond the event, keeping attendees engaged and ready for future events.

    Lastly, Joshua delves into the specific ways he used AI to reduce the challenges of event management. From creating AI-driven email systems for personalized communication with speakers to designing ticketing and check-in systems, Joshua's innovative use of AI tools demonstrates how technology can significantly ease the logistical burdens of event leadership. His hands-on examples provide a clear roadmap for event professionals looking to incorporate AI into their workflows.

    Don't miss this episode filled with actionable insights and expert advice on leveraging AI to elevate your event game. Check out The High Profit Event Show with Rudy Rodriguez and  guest Joshua Pellicer, and discover how you can transform your events into high-profit experiences with the power of AI.

    Want to connect with Joshua?

    Website: https://www.rltm.ai/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuapellicer/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092040254122

    • 26 min
    67 - How George Bryant Fills Events: Proven Strategies for Event Leaders

    67 - How George Bryant Fills Events: Proven Strategies for Event Leaders

    Welcome to our latest episode of The High Profit Event Show! I'm your host, Rudy Rodriguez, and we are excited to have with us, George Bryant. George is not just any entrepreneur; he’s a former U.S. Marine with 13 years of service, a New York Times bestselling author, and a business growth expert who has helped two businesses reach the billion-dollar mark. Beyond these accomplishments, George is also dedicated to being the best father he can be every single day.
    In this episode, we dive into George's experience in running events. For over a decade, George has been organizing a wide range of events, from free gatherings to high-ticket events costing up to $10,000 per ticket. We explore his journey from humble beginnings in a small Marriott conference room to hosting intimate, high-impact events at Airbnbs. George emphasizes the importance of intimacy and depth in his events, choosing quality over quantity to create meaningful experiences.
    One of the themes of our discussion is the iterative process in event planning. George shares how important it is to iterate, learn, and improve with each event. He shares how some events started with just a few attendees but grew through word-of-mouth and continuous improvement. This process-driven approach, rather than focusing solely on outcomes, has been key to his success.

    We also discuss the topic of event promotion. George provides insights into starting the event experience from the very first touchpoint with potential attendees. By giving value upfront, preparing attendees thoroughly, and creating tangible evidence of what they will gain, George ensures his events are not just sold but are anticipated. He mentions the importance of books like "Contagious" and "The Catalyst" by Jonah Berger, which have influenced his approach to creating a buzz and facilitating breakthroughs for attendees.

    George dives into the customer journey, explaining how every interaction before, during, and after the event is important. He believes in starting to deliver value and creating a transformative experience long before attendees arrive. This preconditioning helps in reducing barriers and enhancing engagement once the event begins.

    When it comes to engagement during the event, George shares his strategy of providing space and breaks to allow for integration and processing of information. He outlines his five-step communication process—acknowledge, prepare, project, pre-handle, and excite—to keep attendees informed and engaged. George also shares the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment where attendees feel valued and not pressured.

    In the final part of our conversation, George discusses his approach to post-event engagement and enrollment. Rather than using high-pressure sales tactics, he focuses on serving and providing immense value. By ensuring attendees experience significant transformations during the event, he naturally creates a desire for further engagement. George's philosophy is about earning the right to ask for the sale by delivering results first.

    This episode is packed with actionable insights from one of the experts in customer experience and event management. Whether you're an event leader looking to enhance your skills or an entrepreneur aiming to create impactful experiences, George Bryant’s wisdom is invaluable. Tune in to learn more about creating high-profit events that leave a lasting impact.

    Want to connect with George?

    Website: https://mindofgeorge.com/

    DM George on his Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsgeorgebryant/

    Facebook: a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/georgebryant" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    • 32 min
    66 - One Step at a Time: How I Reached Everest Base Camp with Rudy Rodriguez

    66 - One Step at a Time: How I Reached Everest Base Camp with Rudy Rodriguez

    In this episode, join Rudy Rodriguez as he shares his experiences and lessons learned from a trek to Everest Base Camp. Journeying to an altitude of 17,598 feet (5,364 meters), Rudy dives into the physical and mental challenges faced, as well as the insights gained along the way.
    Rudy shared the importance of teamwork and acknowledges that the trek to Everest Base Camp was a collective effort that couldn't have been accomplished alone. The roles of the guide, CB, and the porters were instrumental, highlighting the necessity of experienced leaders and mentors in achieving challenging goals. Maintaining a consistent pace was crucial for the group's successful ascent. Rudy discusses the principle of essentialism, emphasizing the 80-20 rule—focusing on the essential 20% of items or activities that yield the most significant results. This approach proved more effective than carrying unnecessary burdens.
    The trek provided a practical lesson in economics, particularly the concept of supply and demand. As the group ascended, the cost of essentials like water increased significantly, underscoring the impact of supply chain challenges in remote locations. Rudy learned the importance of focusing on the next step rather than getting overwhelmed by the overall goal. This mindset helped him stay grounded and made the journey more manageable.
    The trek fostered a deeper sense of gratitude and perspective. Rudy realized the relative insignificance of his problems compared to those faced by people in third-world countries. The journey made him appreciate small comforts and recognize the privilege of having access to resources that many others do not. Throughout the trek, Rudy and his friends proactively created fun and value by sharing experiences and discussing various aspects of life. This approach added meaning and enjoyment to the journey.

    Simple comforts like a warm meal or a hot shower became precious. This experience reinforced the idea that true happiness often comes from appreciating the small, simple things in life. Witnessing the hardships faced by locals in Nepal gave Rudy a new perspective on what constitutes real problems. This realization helped him understand the difference between significant challenges and first-world inconveniences.

    Rest and recovery were crucial during the trek. Rudy highlights the importance of taking breaks and recharging to ensure long-term success and well-being. He embraced the discipline of carrying only what was necessary, learning that extra weight without utility becomes a burden. This takeaway applies to both physical items and life activities. Inspired by Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," Rudy emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery to maintain peak performance and avoid burnout.

    Tune in to hear Rudy's full story and insights from his Everest adventure. And remember, if you find value in this episode, share with those in your network who could benefit!


    Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions

    Theodore Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena

    Want to learn more about Rudy’s work at V.E.S.T. Your Virtual Event Sales Team? Check out his website at https://virtualeventsalesteam.com/.

    • 12 min
    65 - Marie Waite Reveals How to Turn Your Event into a Branding Powerhouse!

    65 - Marie Waite Reveals How to Turn Your Event into a Branding Powerhouse!

    This podcast episode of "The High Profit Event Show" hosted by Rudy Rodriguez features guest Marie Waite, the founder of Fire-Up Connect. During the episode, they dive into Marie's background in event hosting and branding, focusing on her successful ventures in San Diego, including the real estate education events and the development of Fire-Up Connect for business networking. Marie shares her three-point process for enhancing event branding, the importance of building your name within the community, creating a strong brand presence, and a lasting legacy through impactful events.
    Marie also discusses her approach to event promotion and engagement and the importance of building relationships with community and business leaders for event success. She shares on starting small for first-time event leaders and the necessity of having marketing content to promote future events. Marie also touches on her role in aiding speakers to secure paid opportunities, and her upcoming workshop for developing speaker skills and visibility.
    The episode covers practical strategies for event leaders, from branding and promotion to engagement and creating memorable experiences for attendees. Marie's expertise provides valuable insights into making events successful and leaving a lasting impact on participants.

    Want to connect with Marie?

    Website: https://fireupconnect.com/marie-waite/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariewaite/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marie.antonette.waite

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marie.waite/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariewaite

    • 21 min
    64 - Transform Your Event: Engagement, Planning, and Execution Tips with Sam Silverstein!

    64 - Transform Your Event: Engagement, Planning, and Execution Tips with Sam Silverstein!

    Welcome to this episode of The High Profit Event Show, where host Rudy Rodriguez sits down with Sam Silverstein, founder of the Accountability Institute. Sam, an author of 12 books, past president of the National Speakers Association, and a Speaker Hall of Fame inductee, brings a wealth of knowledge to this episode, particularly on accountability and event engagement.
    In this episode, Sam shares insights into the important elements of successful event planning, including the importance of networking and learning as the main reasons people attend events. He shares how balancing these elements can enhance the attendee experience by providing both valuable knowledge and opportunities to create meaningful connections.

    Sam dives into effective event planning and execution, sharing strategies to keep attendees engaged and prevent distractions. He shares how strategically scheduled breaks and networking opportunities keep participants focused and energized throughout the event.

    Sam also explores engaging presentation techniques and the importance of addressing the "what," "why," and "how" to create audience interest, facilitate decision-making, and build trust. He shares practical advice on opening and closing presentations powerfully, leaving a lasting impression and motivating attendees to take action.

    This episode is a must-listen for event leaders looking to elevate their events with strategic planning, engaging content, and impactful presentation skills. Gain actionable insights from Sam Silverstein and transform your approach to leading events. .

    Want to connect with Sam?

    Free Gift: Identify and Define Your Values https://samsilverstein.com/values-worksheet/

    Website: https://samsilverstein.com/

    LinkedIn: ​​https://www.linkedin.com/in/samsilverstein/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samsilversteininc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samsilverstein/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/samsilverstein

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1S_-Z73R0uvnEbuGCqvbow

    • 29 min
    63 - Revolutionizing Retreats: How Dr. Mansi Shah Curates Life-Changing Experiences

    63 - Revolutionizing Retreats: How Dr. Mansi Shah Curates Life-Changing Experiences

    In the latest episode of "The High Profit Event Show," host Rudy Rodriguez has a conversation with Dr. Mansi Shah. Dr. Shah, moving from her career in conventional medicine to a focus on holistic nutrition and lifestyle medicine, shares her insights and experiences. Alongside her partner Jon, she organizes events and retreats that bring together alternative health practices with investment strategies, emphasizing a holistic approach to well-being.
    Dr. Shah shares experiential learning in her retreats, which incorporate techniques like walking meditations and emotional support exercises. These methods are designed to create personal breakthroughs for the participants. Nutrition is also explored, with a focus on the benefits of organic, locally sourced, and vegan food. Dr. Shah explains dietary choices nourish the body and soul. Dr. Shah's methodologies are influenced by her Indian heritage and spiritual upbringing. 
    Another part of the episode is Dr. Shah's personal narrative. She shares her shift from traditional medicine to a more holistic health approach. This change was inspired by her own health challenges and discovering a more authentic way of living. 
    The upcoming "Red Pill Experience" retreat, scheduled for March 2024, is shared as an opportunity for transformative experiences in the realms of health, wealth, and personal growth. The concept of the "Red Pill Experience" is centered on challenging societal norms and exploring alternative lifestyles and thought processes. The retreats aim to create an environment for life changes and personal development. Dr. Shah concludes the episode by encouraging listeners to introspect and consider making positive changes in their lives, emphasizing the continual journey of self-growth and personal evolution.

    Want to connect with Dr. Shah?

    RPXP Event Website: https://redpillxp.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmjshah/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/financialdrmansi

    Want to learn more about Rudy’s work at V.E.S.T. Your Virtual Event Sales Team? Check out his website at https://virtualeventsalesteam.com/.

    • 22 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
7 Ratings

7 Ratings


Great show and full of insight!

Rudy is authentic and insightful. I am a professional speaker and I learned a lot about running more profitable and impactful events from this podcast. Thank you!

CEO of RSS ,

Great Stuff

Actionable things that can help you in no matter the space or Niche! Great to listen in on an old friend that’s still crushing it!

Mlmcgloc ,

Must Listen!

Rudy is my go-to for all things events and I urge you to do the same for high quality information!

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