4 min

28 June: Ukraine returns 10 political, religious and civilian prisoners from Russia, Zelenskyy announced Ukraine works on clear and detailed plan to end war Highlights from Ukraine

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Latest news from 28 June 2024, as reported in the Ukrainian media.

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Special thanks to our top Patreon supporters - Helena Pszczolko O'Callaghan, mattg629, krissi, Jared and Dick Warner!

Latest news from 28 June 2024, as reported in the Ukrainian media.

Easy ways to support us:

Subscribe to our Patreon to give monthly support https://www.patreon.com/highlightsfromukraine
Send us a one-time 'thank you' tip via PayPal at: highlightsfromukraine@gmail.com
Out YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3oH111z

Special thanks to our top Patreon supporters - Helena Pszczolko O'Callaghan, mattg629, krissi, Jared and Dick Warner!

4 min