Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Congressman Dan Crenshaw joins the world's leading experts for deep and insightful conversations about the most important issues facing us today.
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I very much appreciate both the interviews and the SITREPs to hear your opinions and explanations for why you take the actions you have in your position in the house. I’m not in your district but so few do this well it is great to hear.
Dan Crenshaw is a rational and powerful voice
قبل ٦ أيام
Run for president. We need a real republican in the whitehouse. You speak my mind we need you running things thank you Dan for all that you do.
End of the World. June 23, 2022
٨ شعبان
Your interviewees are noteworthy but i like the SitRep better. not inflamed, just the facts & historical context, brief, but with an occasional personal experience-based commentary. i agree on the new Riviera - let it play out.
Look forward to every episode
٨ شعبان
I have so much respect and appreciate all the work you do for our country and the Republican Party. You are principled, measured and steadfast in your commitment to the true republican platform and cause. I have been following you since you first took office and have been enamored with your approach to politics which is reassuring in seeing the young and future leadership for the party. I have read your book, listen to your podcast and have made the lessons learned part of my everyday life. I respect how well you handle being on CNN panels and Bill Maher handling hostile environments with facts, confidence, and tact. I know the trolls online and the actual RINOs love to attack you endlessly and I’m sure that’s what you see most so I wanted to try and remind you of the real people out here that recognize you and are rooting for you.
- صناع العملDan Crenshaw
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