How do I get my family to understand my Food Peace™ journey? {Ep 98 with Carolyn Ross}

Are the people around you supportive of your food peace journey? Have you found a better way with intuitive eating, but are coming up against a roadblock with family and friends? Listen now for some tips on how to approach this part of the food peace journey.
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This episode is brought to you by my online course, Your Step-by-Step Guide to PCOS and Food Peace. Sign up now to get on the waitlist for the next enrollment period in January 2018, and receive my FREE road map: Your First 3 Steps Toward Food Peace with PCOS. You CAN make peace with food even with PCOS and I want to show you how.
Episode's Key Points:
- Making peace with food is RADICAL! It's truly a political act, and this can cause issues within our family relationships.
- Health is about FLEXIBILITY!!
- Dr. Carolyn Ross joins us to talk about the family, and how to manage family members who try to be our food police.
- Food rules contribute to the development of eating disorders, especially if there's a perceived "weight problem."
- Make sure not to go too long without eating throughout the day, and add some movement into your life to enhance how your body feels!
- Intercept questions about your food choices and your body size by making some healthy boundaries. Let them know you're working on things with a doctor or dietitian, and leave it at that.
- You're allowed to be angry! Feel your feelings, and don't feel like you have to push them down to appease family members.
- Remember, many of us struggle with internalized fatphobia. Be sure to address this with a treatment provider so that you can work through it!
- Our weight research is super biased!! You can be healthy at any size... it depends on our BEHAVIORS, not our weight.
- Research shows that the healthiest weight you can be is "slightly overweight!!"
- The medical profession changes slowly and shifts in the medical community take time. The status quo will change eventually!
- Permission promotes health, and shame only brings us down.
Show Notes:
- Julie Dillon RD blog
- Link to subscribe to the weekly FREE Food Peace Newsletter. It is sent out every Tuesday morning and no spam EVER. By signing up, I will also send you Love Food's Food Peace Syllabus.
- The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
- The Food Addiction Recovery Workbook by Dr. Carolyn Ross ---> This week's Food Peace Syllabus addition #1
- Find Dr. Carolyn Ross' online coaching program ---> This week's Food Peace Syllabus addition #2
- Eating Disorder Dietitian
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- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Biweekly
- PublishedNovember 27, 2017 at 10:00 AM UTC
- Length27 min
- Season1
- Episode98
- RatingClean