31 min

How Hiring a VA Can Help you Buy Back 40 Hours of Your Time Each Week with Matthew Baitieri, Box 2 Business The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

    • Management

Matthew Baitieri is the Founder of Box 2 Business. His goal is to bring all the knowledge he's gathered over the last 8 years of running his business and share it with other gym owners worldwide. Throughout his journey, he's had several business coaches, and they taught him a little on how to grow a fitness business and a lot on how NOT to coach gym owners. This gave him a fire to hone his craft through reading, watching, and listening to experts from all industries and then applying the best...

Matthew Baitieri is the Founder of Box 2 Business. His goal is to bring all the knowledge he's gathered over the last 8 years of running his business and share it with other gym owners worldwide. Throughout his journey, he's had several business coaches, and they taught him a little on how to grow a fitness business and a lot on how NOT to coach gym owners. This gave him a fire to hone his craft through reading, watching, and listening to experts from all industries and then applying the best...

31 min