1 hr 3 min


    • Entrepreneurship

On the outside Joshua Shea, a former magazine publisher and politician from Maine, had it all together.

A pillar of his community, nobody knew about his mental health and ography addiction issues. That eventually came to a head when he was publicly shamed and outed, losing almost everything in the process.

Today, he's almost four years addiction free and has released a new memoir about his journey to rock bottom and back up again.

This guest is now more timely than ever as the World Health Organization is recognizing Addiction as a diagnosable and treatable condition as of July 2018"

On the outside Joshua Shea, a former magazine publisher and politician from Maine, had it all together.

A pillar of his community, nobody knew about his mental health and ography addiction issues. That eventually came to a head when he was publicly shamed and outed, losing almost everything in the process.

Today, he's almost four years addiction free and has released a new memoir about his journey to rock bottom and back up again.

This guest is now more timely than ever as the World Health Organization is recognizing Addiction as a diagnosable and treatable condition as of July 2018"

1 hr 3 min