38 min

How to Change Your Life and Why It feels Hard Millennials & Money Cafe

    • How To

How to Change Your Life and Why It Feels Hard Podcast is at the bottom of this page for your listening pleasure or find it on iTunes under Millennials and Money Cafe 

Or you can read below: I thought you'd like the notes on the tapping I take you through.

To start, I'd like you to Think About:

What would you love to have all the time in your life? You can do this by taking a piece of paper and drawing a line down the middle of it. On the top write familiar for one column and unfamiliar for the other. On one the familiar side put what you want to change and on the other side list what you want. See below for examples.

You can PAUSE the video now for 1 min. and make the list and then listen as I will have many more examples you can fill in later.

We are creatures of comfort. We do what comes easy even if it’s not good for us (an addiction) and we want something else because our comfort is in what is familiar.

So what is familiar? It is something that you’ve done many times that now doesn’t feel new, hard or awkward to you. A lot of your familiar characteristics and habits are formed in childhood. So unless you change have applied new practices of ways of being and believing and made them your new familiar you are still living your childhood programming (your home, school, culture, education, political, social economics … environments)

Your self-esteem, wealth issues, social comfort, relationships, well-being…are all a result of your past experiences and influences.

If you are trying to become more successful in any area of your life, accomplish a goal that is out of your familiar comfort zone, you will NOT achieve it unless you choose unfamiliar thoughts/feelings/actions and practice them long enough so they become familiar.

You don’t know what you don’t know!

Making the unfamiliar familiar requires daily choices, awareness, repetition, persistence and commitment.

Example: I stopped eating dairy because it made my psoriasis flare up and it was hard to not eat it when it was everywhere around me...but my vanity was more important than my addiction to dairy and I wanted healthy skin so I would feel good about myself.

Your brain wants what is familiar, it goes with habit or what is easiest unless you give it directions. You do what you know until you learn something new and apply it to living your life.

That is what I am teaching you now and giving you an opportunity to reprogram with the tapping session coming up. I am going to show you the new unfamiliar you might KNOW you can have and become. We each need people in our life who show us what is possible, give us permission in a way to become what feels more true and aligned with our soul-self than the programming we are living that was taught to us at a young age and we live out as being who we are as adults.

It can feel hard to break habits/patterns because they are familiar. The hard part is putting your attention on the good, inspiring, praising, uplifting, successful – unfamiliar focus and take your focus off your old limiting familiar stuff that is holding you back from creating what you want.

EX: Believing in yourself instead of beating yourself up with negative self-talk  such as I don’t matter or I'm never enough.

What would you like to be more familiar with in your life?

Believe in yourself

Feeling Love

Friends that value you for you

Feel safe being you

Having your own successful business

Having a partner that loves and respects you

Feeling vibrant, happy and healthy

Peace and harmony

How to Change Your Life and Why It Feels Hard Podcast is at the bottom of this page for your listening pleasure or find it on iTunes under Millennials and Money Cafe 

Or you can read below: I thought you'd like the notes on the tapping I take you through.

To start, I'd like you to Think About:

What would you love to have all the time in your life? You can do this by taking a piece of paper and drawing a line down the middle of it. On the top write familiar for one column and unfamiliar for the other. On one the familiar side put what you want to change and on the other side list what you want. See below for examples.

You can PAUSE the video now for 1 min. and make the list and then listen as I will have many more examples you can fill in later.

We are creatures of comfort. We do what comes easy even if it’s not good for us (an addiction) and we want something else because our comfort is in what is familiar.

So what is familiar? It is something that you’ve done many times that now doesn’t feel new, hard or awkward to you. A lot of your familiar characteristics and habits are formed in childhood. So unless you change have applied new practices of ways of being and believing and made them your new familiar you are still living your childhood programming (your home, school, culture, education, political, social economics … environments)

Your self-esteem, wealth issues, social comfort, relationships, well-being…are all a result of your past experiences and influences.

If you are trying to become more successful in any area of your life, accomplish a goal that is out of your familiar comfort zone, you will NOT achieve it unless you choose unfamiliar thoughts/feelings/actions and practice them long enough so they become familiar.

You don’t know what you don’t know!

Making the unfamiliar familiar requires daily choices, awareness, repetition, persistence and commitment.

Example: I stopped eating dairy because it made my psoriasis flare up and it was hard to not eat it when it was everywhere around me...but my vanity was more important than my addiction to dairy and I wanted healthy skin so I would feel good about myself.

Your brain wants what is familiar, it goes with habit or what is easiest unless you give it directions. You do what you know until you learn something new and apply it to living your life.

That is what I am teaching you now and giving you an opportunity to reprogram with the tapping session coming up. I am going to show you the new unfamiliar you might KNOW you can have and become. We each need people in our life who show us what is possible, give us permission in a way to become what feels more true and aligned with our soul-self than the programming we are living that was taught to us at a young age and we live out as being who we are as adults.

It can feel hard to break habits/patterns because they are familiar. The hard part is putting your attention on the good, inspiring, praising, uplifting, successful – unfamiliar focus and take your focus off your old limiting familiar stuff that is holding you back from creating what you want.

EX: Believing in yourself instead of beating yourself up with negative self-talk  such as I don’t matter or I'm never enough.

What would you like to be more familiar with in your life?

Believe in yourself

Feeling Love

Friends that value you for you

Feel safe being you

Having your own successful business

Having a partner that loves and respects you

Feeling vibrant, happy and healthy

Peace and harmony

38 min