33 min

How to Deal with Loneliness as a Single Christian Christian Advice for Single Christians Podcast

    • Sexuality

Many single Christians have a difficult time on how to deal with loneliness. Singleness often is a companion to loneliness and depression. This is especially true in cases where the single person had suffered heartbreak over a recent dating relationship break up,  unrequited love, divorce or sudden loss of a loved one. Whatever the reason for loneliness, some singles feel as if their whole existence has become an empty and meaningless experience.

My dear brothers and sisters, if you are suffering this kind of loneliness, there are several practical steps you can take to help ease your pain.

7 Steps on how to cope with Loneliness

Remember that God Knows Your Pain

Sometimes we feel no one understands the loneliness we are suffering. But you are not alone in your loneliness because the Lord is with you. More than that, Jesus Himself suffered loneliness and rejection, and because of that is able to empathize and sympathize with your suffering (Hebrew 4:15,16). Go to Him in prayer, and He will meet you in your need.

Keep Busy by Finding a Personal Hobby or Interest

When we experience loneliness, it’s easy to want to isolate ourselves and go into a shell. But this only makes our loneliness and depression worse.

Instead of retreating, make a schedule of your day, and chalk in some enjoyable activities to fill in your free time. Be creative, and try something new and exciting. You may not “feel” like doing this at first, but positive feelings will soon flow from your actions.

Volunteer Your Time at a Charitable Organization

One of the best thins you can do for how to deal with loneliness is ministering to others who are in need. I don’t understand it, but a certain level of healing occurs when we take our eyes off of ourselves, and reach out to others who are hurting.

There are a huge number of worthwhile charitable organizations in the world. Volunteering at such places as a homeless shelter, World Vision, the Salvation Army or say, Habitat for Humanity, is a great way to show Jesus’ love in practical ways. It also helps takes our minds off our own problems while bringing us much needed contact with other people. It’s a win-win proposition.

Join a Christian Support Group

We all need a little help from time to time. Christian singles groups offer many benefits including great fellowship, spiritual guidance and loving support from singles who are probably going through similar struggles with loneliness. Many singles have also met their special soulmates through these types of groups. Finding one in your area of the world is as easy as doing a Google search. At Christian dating Service PLUS, we are actually in the process of listing every known Christian singles group under the sun, so if you have such a group let us know. 🙂

If you have special needs, such as you have just suffered a divorce, or have lost a loved one, www.divorcecare.com and www.griefshare.org are international programs where you may find help.

Embrace God’s Timing

Remember that God has a perfect plan for your life, including your singleness. Trust in His timing and surrender your desires and expectations to Him. Recognize that being single allows you the freedom to fully devote yourself to God and serve Him wholeheartedly. Embrace the present moment and trust that God is working in your life.

Seek Professional Help

If feelings of loneliness persist and begin to affect your emotional well-being and daily functioning,

Many single Christians have a difficult time on how to deal with loneliness. Singleness often is a companion to loneliness and depression. This is especially true in cases where the single person had suffered heartbreak over a recent dating relationship break up,  unrequited love, divorce or sudden loss of a loved one. Whatever the reason for loneliness, some singles feel as if their whole existence has become an empty and meaningless experience.

My dear brothers and sisters, if you are suffering this kind of loneliness, there are several practical steps you can take to help ease your pain.

7 Steps on how to cope with Loneliness

Remember that God Knows Your Pain

Sometimes we feel no one understands the loneliness we are suffering. But you are not alone in your loneliness because the Lord is with you. More than that, Jesus Himself suffered loneliness and rejection, and because of that is able to empathize and sympathize with your suffering (Hebrew 4:15,16). Go to Him in prayer, and He will meet you in your need.

Keep Busy by Finding a Personal Hobby or Interest

When we experience loneliness, it’s easy to want to isolate ourselves and go into a shell. But this only makes our loneliness and depression worse.

Instead of retreating, make a schedule of your day, and chalk in some enjoyable activities to fill in your free time. Be creative, and try something new and exciting. You may not “feel” like doing this at first, but positive feelings will soon flow from your actions.

Volunteer Your Time at a Charitable Organization

One of the best thins you can do for how to deal with loneliness is ministering to others who are in need. I don’t understand it, but a certain level of healing occurs when we take our eyes off of ourselves, and reach out to others who are hurting.

There are a huge number of worthwhile charitable organizations in the world. Volunteering at such places as a homeless shelter, World Vision, the Salvation Army or say, Habitat for Humanity, is a great way to show Jesus’ love in practical ways. It also helps takes our minds off our own problems while bringing us much needed contact with other people. It’s a win-win proposition.

Join a Christian Support Group

We all need a little help from time to time. Christian singles groups offer many benefits including great fellowship, spiritual guidance and loving support from singles who are probably going through similar struggles with loneliness. Many singles have also met their special soulmates through these types of groups. Finding one in your area of the world is as easy as doing a Google search. At Christian dating Service PLUS, we are actually in the process of listing every known Christian singles group under the sun, so if you have such a group let us know. 🙂

If you have special needs, such as you have just suffered a divorce, or have lost a loved one, www.divorcecare.com and www.griefshare.org are international programs where you may find help.

Embrace God’s Timing

Remember that God has a perfect plan for your life, including your singleness. Trust in His timing and surrender your desires and expectations to Him. Recognize that being single allows you the freedom to fully devote yourself to God and serve Him wholeheartedly. Embrace the present moment and trust that God is working in your life.

Seek Professional Help

If feelings of loneliness persist and begin to affect your emotional well-being and daily functioning,

33 min