18 min

How To Deal With People Not Wanting To Buy Your Stuff OWN IT w/ Tatiana Amico

    • Entrepreneurship

Rejection. It can feel like a punch to the gut, and the fear of it stops so many incredible women from putting their magic out into the world.In this episode I share:>> the realities of why people may not buy your things, along with how to deal with what may come up when they don't.>> some of the biggest energy drainers in business, and how to prevent this from happening to you.>> how to connect with your soul aligned clients/customers so you attract vs chase/try to convince...

Rejection. It can feel like a punch to the gut, and the fear of it stops so many incredible women from putting their magic out into the world.In this episode I share:>> the realities of why people may not buy your things, along with how to deal with what may come up when they don't.>> some of the biggest energy drainers in business, and how to prevent this from happening to you.>> how to connect with your soul aligned clients/customers so you attract vs chase/try to convince...

18 min