19 min

How To Get What You Really Want: College Acceptance, Confidence, and Ultimate Success Demystifying College Admissions

    • How To

If you’ve been following me for a while now or you’re a student in one of our programs, you know that I am always emphasising the importance of mindset. In this episode, I want to talk about some of the things that are not really discussed in the space of college admissions. 
Today, I reveal the role mindset plays in having the confidence to set big goals that will ultimately lead you to find passion and success on your college admissions journey. 
Remember, there’s a transformation you can go through when you set big goals. Even if you don’t reach that goal, you will inevitably go through a shift, and this process will help you evolve as you become a more happy, more confident, and more successful person. 
I hope you enjoy this episode, and I highly recommend that you attend our free 60-minute introductory training, where you’ll learn the 3 Essential Strategies you can implement right now to build a compelling college portfolio. You can reserve your seat now at https://passionprep.com/masterclass! 
Get ready to open your “Congratulations, You’re Accepted!” letter from your dream college! You can reserve your spot for Passion Project Bootcamp, our 1-year group college consulting program to get you ACCEPTED into your dream college using your passion, strength and potential. Start your journey to your dream college https://passionprep.com/bootcamp!
As always, if you have questions, please reach out to our support team at info@passionprep.com. Also I’d love to connect with you on Instagram – our new Instagram handle is: www.instagram.com/passion_prep. 

If you’ve been following me for a while now or you’re a student in one of our programs, you know that I am always emphasising the importance of mindset. In this episode, I want to talk about some of the things that are not really discussed in the space of college admissions. 
Today, I reveal the role mindset plays in having the confidence to set big goals that will ultimately lead you to find passion and success on your college admissions journey. 
Remember, there’s a transformation you can go through when you set big goals. Even if you don’t reach that goal, you will inevitably go through a shift, and this process will help you evolve as you become a more happy, more confident, and more successful person. 
I hope you enjoy this episode, and I highly recommend that you attend our free 60-minute introductory training, where you’ll learn the 3 Essential Strategies you can implement right now to build a compelling college portfolio. You can reserve your seat now at https://passionprep.com/masterclass! 
Get ready to open your “Congratulations, You’re Accepted!” letter from your dream college! You can reserve your spot for Passion Project Bootcamp, our 1-year group college consulting program to get you ACCEPTED into your dream college using your passion, strength and potential. Start your journey to your dream college https://passionprep.com/bootcamp!
As always, if you have questions, please reach out to our support team at info@passionprep.com. Also I’d love to connect with you on Instagram – our new Instagram handle is: www.instagram.com/passion_prep. 

19 min