36 min

How to heal your inner child The James Granstrom Podcast - Super Soul Model series

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode I share with you how  to heal your inner child.

" In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Your inner child is the part of you that has learned the thoughts,  beliefs and assumptions about the way the world works from your parents and environment some of which are positive and some negative, these you carry around with you as an adult. 

Your childhood has shaped you into who you are, why you behave as you do and why you believe certain things about yourself, and the relationships you have with people, money and the world at large. All the dramas playing out in your life right now are the result of what you have been exposed to growing up. Anything that is a negative reoccurring  theme, requires healing.  

The way to move beyond  tough life experiences  is not to bury them,   but to shine a light on the wounds and begin to heal your inner child.. 

In this episode you will discover :
What the inner child isHow to speak to your inner childSome ideas to help you heal reoccurring patterns (that have worked for me personally) 

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For more info
www.jamesgranstrom. com

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In this episode I share with you how  to heal your inner child.

" In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Your inner child is the part of you that has learned the thoughts,  beliefs and assumptions about the way the world works from your parents and environment some of which are positive and some negative, these you carry around with you as an adult. 

Your childhood has shaped you into who you are, why you behave as you do and why you believe certain things about yourself, and the relationships you have with people, money and the world at large. All the dramas playing out in your life right now are the result of what you have been exposed to growing up. Anything that is a negative reoccurring  theme, requires healing.  

The way to move beyond  tough life experiences  is not to bury them,   but to shine a light on the wounds and begin to heal your inner child.. 

In this episode you will discover :
What the inner child isHow to speak to your inner childSome ideas to help you heal reoccurring patterns (that have worked for me personally) 

If you like the podcast please support the show by
SUBSCRIBING to get it first -

And help it and others by leaving a REVIEW on  Apple Podcast

If you want to learn how to meditate for FREE

For more info
www.jamesgranstrom. com

If you would like to support the show you can donate here >
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36 min