35 min

How to Start Your Midlife Chapter with Lauren St. George The Roller Coaster of Midlife

    • Self-Improvement

Midlife is definitely a season of change. Once exciting careers can become stagnant, retirement options come closer, and empty nests give us more freedom. The question that often gets asked is “What’s next?” and it creates a hunger inside of us. We know that we want something different but it’s the “what” that hangs us up. How do you go from here to there when you have no idea where “there” is?
Joining me today is Lauren St. George, the founder of “What’s Next” to share how you can start your midlife chapter.
Connect with Lauren at www.answerwhatsnext.com and @answerwhatsnext
Grab your FREE "3 Steps to Go from Hot Mess to Badass and Start Rocking Midlife" here: https://www.therollercoasterpodcast.com/start-here
To grab your copy of Your Journaling Journey search for it on Amazon or with these links:
Canada: https://amzn.to/3ACRHla USA: https://amzn.to/3B0A28l  
Follow The Roller Coaster:
Facebook @therollercoasterpodcast Instagram @the_roller_coaster_podcast Pinterest @EmpoweredMidlifeMoms YouTube: @TheRollerCoasterPodcast TikTok @rollercoaster_podcast

Midlife is definitely a season of change. Once exciting careers can become stagnant, retirement options come closer, and empty nests give us more freedom. The question that often gets asked is “What’s next?” and it creates a hunger inside of us. We know that we want something different but it’s the “what” that hangs us up. How do you go from here to there when you have no idea where “there” is?
Joining me today is Lauren St. George, the founder of “What’s Next” to share how you can start your midlife chapter.
Connect with Lauren at www.answerwhatsnext.com and @answerwhatsnext
Grab your FREE "3 Steps to Go from Hot Mess to Badass and Start Rocking Midlife" here: https://www.therollercoasterpodcast.com/start-here
To grab your copy of Your Journaling Journey search for it on Amazon or with these links:
Canada: https://amzn.to/3ACRHla USA: https://amzn.to/3B0A28l  
Follow The Roller Coaster:
Facebook @therollercoasterpodcast Instagram @the_roller_coaster_podcast Pinterest @EmpoweredMidlifeMoms YouTube: @TheRollerCoasterPodcast TikTok @rollercoaster_podcast

35 min