29 min

How we remember, why we forget | Anthony Wagner From Our Neurons to Yours

    • Life Sciences

At some point in our lives, we all struggle with memory — learning a new name, remembering that book you were reading just yesterday or that word on the tip of your tongue. So what can neuroscience teach us about why we remember, why we forget, and how we might even improve our memories? To answer this question, I spoke with neuroscientist Anthony Wagner, a memory expert in Stanford's Department of Psychology.Learn MoreWagner lab websiteRecent lab publicationsAnthony's new book: Brain Science...

At some point in our lives, we all struggle with memory — learning a new name, remembering that book you were reading just yesterday or that word on the tip of your tongue. So what can neuroscience teach us about why we remember, why we forget, and how we might even improve our memories? To answer this question, I spoke with neuroscientist Anthony Wagner, a memory expert in Stanford's Department of Psychology.Learn MoreWagner lab websiteRecent lab publicationsAnthony's new book: Brain Science...

29 min