1 hr 7 min

HVAC 101 part 1 - HVAC Choices For The Home (with Special Guest‪)‬ House Masters - the "Why" behind the How-to

    • Home & Garden

Its that time of the year again, where the temperatures skyrocket and your home becomes a shield against the simmering heat, that is if you have a heating and cooling system that works properly.

Steve and John interview our first guest of the year, Tim DeStasio, a veteran HVAC professional, in a two-part series to discuss what you must know before investing in a new heating and cooling system, or repairing your existing.

Steve, John, and Tim have a long-standing relationship dating back to the days where building science was just beginning to be accounted for in the construction industry, and their pioneer efforts are still saving homeowners' money 15 years later.

Join us for Part 1, where we discuss the fundamentals of a system, and what options might be best when looking at replacing or repair your HVAC system.

#hvactips #hvac #heatingrepair #airconditionerservice #hvacpodcast #hvacmaintenance #gasheater #minisplit


HVAC Choices For The Home

Its that time of the year again, where the temperatures skyrocket and your home becomes a shield against the simmering heat, that is if you have a heating and cooling system that works properly.

Steve and John interview our first guest of the year, Tim DeStasio, a veteran HVAC professional, in a two-part series to discuss what you must know before investing in a new heating and cooling system, or repairing your existing.

Steve, John, and Tim have a long-standing relationship dating back to the days where building science was just beginning to be accounted for in the construction industry, and their pioneer efforts are still saving homeowners' money 15 years later.

Join us for Part 1, where we discuss the fundamentals of a system, and what options might be best when looking at replacing or repair your HVAC system.

#hvactips #hvac #heatingrepair #airconditionerservice #hvacpodcast #hvacmaintenance #gasheater #minisplit


HVAC Choices For The Home

1 hr 7 min